Friday 22 June 2012

Socials Final

I got to the school at 9 for that project, and my final was at noon. We filled out the big gym with tables and students. Everybody got their own table, and we wrote! I was against the far wall. I think I did decently... we had multiple choice, then two essays to write. I knew the topic for the first essay pretty well, but for the second one I had to do some quick thinking. It wasn't really something we covered in class - it was sort of just going on what I already know. I did better than my friends, though (we went for sushi afterwards). They said that they didn't get full paragraphs on the last essay because they couldn't think of anything - but I did.

My first year of public school is over!

Back to the school in an hour, now. Good.... good times.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

164, and the final. 165. And the day after.

I don't blame me for forgetting to come on here. My brain was squish. Too many everythings.

Well, I got my Bio Final done on the Monday, so yesterday I didn't have to go to bio. I think I did really well. In socials we just reviewed on Monday, and on Tuesday we did a mock exam. I got an 80 on it, so I feel fine. That provincial is tomorrow. In math we just reviewed on Monday as well, but on Tuesday she put in Finding Nemo for those of us that were caught up with everything. It was actually fantastic. Today we had our math provincial. I'm relatively sure that I passed it. Even if I didn't, I still pass the class (I did the math - ha!). In film we had film day on Monday, so parents and friends came to watch what we did. Our final film was super hilarious, everybody loved it. On Tuesday we had our final exam, and I'm sure I did well on it. She gave us forms as well, and I took home the form for Socks, filled it out, then brought it back to her today. By now Socks is officially entered into the film festival! That's pretty exciting. We'll see if we win! Our school has one twice in a row, and both times have been Karter's brother. Can we keep up the legacy?
So yup. Those were the final days of my first year of public school. I have another provincial tomorrow, and then I keep going to the school everyday until the 27th for that project Kyle and I are doing with the councillors... but after tomorrow, I'm officially done.

Friday 15 June 2012

162, 163

I guess I forgot to post yesterday! Huh! I honestly thought that I did... I also can't remember what I did yesterday... That's finals for you.
Today was year book distribution! I actually have quite a few pictures in there. In socials we... reviewed. Math we had a mock test (which I passed, thank you very much). Film we started reflection journals / gave feedback about final films / signed year books. Bio we reviewed. Today was probably the first day that I just didn't want to be in biology. Ahh well.
The year books were a gong show! Well, not for me, because I'm smart, but for everybody else, totally.  The line opened at junior lunch and went until senior lunch was over. Magically, I have a friend on yearbook, and she told me if I lined up at the end of my spare, I'd be first when junior lunch started, and not even too late for math.
I was the second kid to get my yearbook as the line steadily grew behind me, and I was early for class. During senior lunch nobody was really trying to eat - just signing! So far, two entries in my book from friends have made me get a lil' teary. Or at least glossy eyed.

Meadow's life:

Monday: Review in socials, review in math, film showing in film, final exam in bio PT 1.
Tuesday: Review in socials, review in math, final exam in film, final exam in bio PT 2.
Wednesday: Math provincial
Thursday: Socials provincial.
25th: Councillor project editing
26th: Going to two other high schools to film for the councillor project. Editing.
27th: Sleepover
28th: Alberta.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Day 161 of Schooling

In socials we had a test. I sort of forgot it was a test, so I guess I did pretty well. There was an essay, but I got it down fine with heaps of time. We got a HUGE review package though, and I don't know any of it. Oh, that's a lie. I knew 2.5 of the answers.
 I wrote an essay during spare. I filmed a few people for the project for the councillor. She apparently wants my friend and I to go to another school as well and talk to a few teachers there. In math we just did more review. My goodness. But I worked it out! Even if I totally bomb the provincial (as in, get a 0, which I won't), I still pass. Whooo! I did it. In film we finished the movie! I was going to help the teacher and a few other kids with something and let my group do the final editing, but they run in and are all, 'Meadow! We need you to do it! It's all sound stuff!' So somehow, I added in every voice over, took out the audio and replaced it, synced it all up, and normalized the volume of the voice overs and songs, all in 40 minutes. YUP. I DID. I was literally out of breath when I was done. My fingers were flying! But I did it. In bio we did review questions - I got mine done. Yaay. Now I only have that big socials essay to work on.

I have a wedding shower to go to tonight.

how you doin'?

Tuesday 12 June 2012


I wasn't gonna go to school today because I was really dizzy and stuff when I woke up. But I'm a trooper, so I did anyway. Just review in socials and math. During lunch I first had a Kiva meeting - we've started to lend. Very cool! And after the Kiva meeting I had a councillor meeting to work out a project she's having me do for one of the other teachers. That meeting went into period 4 but my teacher didn't care. Our film was getting edited by three people, so she let us go out and start filming students for the project (I just have to get them saying some nice words and stuff). In bio we had a sub so we watched a movie. It was of a hippo getting dissected. It had 350 pounds of food in it's stomach! Duuude. They have really thick skin, too. It showed four lionesses trying to take this one hippo down, with their claws and everything, but the hippo just kept running. It didn't even bleed. Impressive.

Monday 11 June 2012


NOW there's six days left. Apparently we have to stay in until the 19th. The days are starting to drag on - I'm sort of sick of final projects and assignments.
We have an essay due on Friday for Socials about the environment and stuff - that's awesome. Writing about that is easy for me. In math we had a mock-test today, and we're supposed to do it tomorrow as well, but I got 58 of 60 questions done today - no big deal. I spent lunch editing our final film, because all of a sudden our carefully calculated editing time isn't enough time, and we have to get it done on Wednesday. Not a huge problem, because nobody else has even started filming yet, really, but it's still worrying. Tomorrow I have a Kiva meeting - we're actually deciding who gets the money, so that'll be fun! In film we watched the last of the presentations. In bio we did some notes, watched some fun videos, and did a tiny assignment. Yup.

Friday 8 June 2012

One Fitty-Eight

Six more days of school left! And I have no homework this weekend. I don't know how I managed that, but it's amazing. This morning I decided to set my alarm a bit later so I could get a few minutes of sleep, and when it went off I realized I hadn't done homework that was due first block. So I did that while I ate my breakfast. I hurried to school, and then oh no! I forgot to make lunch. So I went home during spare and made a sandwich.

We had our presentations during socials today. Before the class I went up to her and asked her that since I was only 2% below an A, would it be worth it to rewrite any tests. She said she'd make an exception for me and we'd discuss tests on Wednesday. Well, when I started my presentation, I didn't need any notes or anything, and I said everything necessary. When I sat down she said, 'Meadow? You just got your A.' Haha, woo! In math I got all of the review for today done as well as yesterdays - yay! In film we kept on watching presentations - they were all good today! In bio we went around in groups of two deciding if plants were monocots or dicots by properties they had, and identifying their roots and stems through microscopes and stuff. At one point one of the guys turned and asked me something. The conversation went on, and some other people got involved, and so when I added something I wasn't totally paying attention, and I called him by the wrong name. He looks at me and is all, 'Friends off! Nope!' but then he said he'd forgive me on Monday, so I'm safe, haha!

Thursday 7 June 2012

One Fifty-Seven!

Today I learned that technically, since seeds are fruits "embryos," the part that we actually eat is like the uterus. Mmm... fruit uterus....
Got my presentation all ready for socials tomorrow! It's on Kiva. So... that won't be too difficult. She said we were allowed to pick something we already knew a bunch about.
Math was ok... as ok as it can be, I guess.
In film I did my presentation! I had technical difficulties though, so I was closer to 12 than 8 minutes, but everybody said it didn't seem like 12 minutes. The teacher said she didn't mind as well, because my lap top wouldn't sync properly and I had to cue everything up again on a different one.
In bio we just took a bunch of notes! Buuuuh. And we actually had a really long conversation about apples. That's why I like this teacher - she lets us engage her and each other in "debates," but really just questions and answering. Stuff like that. It's so sweet!

Wednesday 6 June 2012

156 - An Average Number

Doesn't 156 seem average? I feel like it does.
Tomorrow we start preparing for 30 second presentations in socials. People are freaking out about it, and I just sort of chuckle to myself - I have a 10 minute presentation tomorrow in film. In math we did more review. It sucked - I was decent at the stuff when we learned it, but I can't remember any of it now, and she won't give us the next review sheet in line unless we completely finish the one before it - we're supposed to have this sheet finished for tomorrow. I understand 5/15 of the questions. And I have volunteering tonight, so I'm not going to have time. I'm gonna look at it after this post, but bio was heavy today as well, and my brain is gonna fall out of my head. In film we dubbed some voices in over hard to hear stuff and got the rest of the shots that we want, in order. They haven't been cut yet. Bio we started Plantae, finished the movies from yesterday, and watched a few of them.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

154 and 155

I went to Karter's after school yesterday to get a final shot for film, but it turned out we didn't need it. So we have all of our footage for the final project, and it needs to be done by next Tuesday. Let's see... had a test in math yesterday. I only got 45% on it, but I really didn't understand that unit. Like, at all. It doesn't stay in my head when we look at one aspect one day, then a whole new aspect the next day. Blah, math. I don't really care - just doing my best. In film we edited. In biology we dissected our pigeon! I filmed, and they cut. It was pretty funky. Everybody around the class had different organisms, and people were holding up intestines everywhere. We got ours out, too. Mmm... innards.. In socials we had a mini debate / argument at our table, because our teacher had us writing down things in order of importance, then easiness. I said environment should be above some of the other things listed for importance, but the bottom of the easy scale. Then one girl said something about hating something to do with the environment / activists, and I didn't argue, I just simply said that I disagreed. Then she kept it up and the rest of us sort of let her go on. Then she got madder when we stopped replying because we didn't agree... I don't know. It was sort of funny.
Today I went home during spare to watch Lost, because Karter lent me season 1. It's been too long since I watched it, and I never finished the entire show anyway. In socials we got an assignment. In socials we have homework! What?! Yea, we do. In bio we tried to edit the dissection video but it was muy difficult because we were on iPads... I think our's looks okay though! We got it done, anyway. Math sucked because we started review, but I don't care. In film we did voice overs! The end.

Friday 1 June 2012


Had a test in socials. I aced it (well, I technically don't know that yet for sure... but I did). In math we had our review, and I got it all done. During spare I did some pretty rockin' homeworks. In film we all started watching the first episode of Lost, because there were only like six people there. Karter edited some more of our film, but only one person can really do that. He stopped because he doesn't want to do it all himself cause he feels bad, so we'll get on that on Monday. I'm definitely going to borrow Lost from Karter. He has em' all. In bio we worked more on our dissection procedure. We found diagrams, defined things, looked stuff up... yup! I'm actually not going to be cutting into the pigeon, I'm going to be filming it. She needed somebody from each group to film, and I'm just as happy to do that as to dissect. Tada!

Now I have Ritz.

Thursday 31 May 2012

Day 152 of Schoolio

I just made the best smoothie. Like... better than the other ones. Most of the other ones, this is better than. GOOD gracious.
Found out that we have a test in socials tomorrow! .. wooo... I brought home the note package we need to have done - I think it'll be fine. This may be the final test for socials? I don't know. We had a pre-test in math today, and on Monday we do have our final test! This is such good news. I thought I didn't understand any of this unit (well, one lesson), and I was guessing on the pre-test, mostly, but I got a 75, so... Hey man. If I get that on the test, it'll be sweet.
During spare we went around and got money for Kiva again - last day! We also found out that one of the teachers left us a $150 cheque, and another teacher left us a $500 cheque! What! That's incredible hooray! In film we started editing - we have just one scene left. Our essays / presentations are happening on the 7th of June I believe. In bio we had a sub, so we did a work sheet, then we watched a 45 minute movie on sex. All kinds of sex! People sex, dinosaur sex, monkey sex, shark sex, bug sex, and on and on.

I had the weirdest dream last night! All the adults rounded everybody 18 and under into a huge arena to "protect them," then they started hucking bombs around and killing all the kids! I saved a bunch, and I even blew up an old woman who tried to kill me. Anyway... it was messed up.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Day 150

I like Tuesday being the first day of the week - I'm getting used to all these long weekends!
In socials today we learned about some stuff. We got an A+ on that little booklet that we did! Wahoo. She said that our class' hand-ins were the best projects she's gotten back in a few years. Go us.
In math we had a sub - she's a really good teacher! That being said, I still didn't really get it, but hey. It's almost over!
During spare I went around to classrooms for Kiva again - it's a bit awkward, but that's alright. Asking for money always is! We got about $25 though, so it was a good day. That's enough for one little loan right there.
In film, since my group was filming all weekend, we didn't really have anything to do, so she let us watch other student projects from the years. They were good! Our filming went well this weekend. Once shooting was over for the day though, on Saturday, I jumped off a rock and hurt my knee again. It wasn't even a very high rock. Karter was taking fast-frame pictures of Mikayla and I goofing around, and I jumped, and I landed, and it hurt. He has a picture of it though! Meadow jumps, jumping, landing, knee moving, Meadow crumpling. Very artistic. In bio today we had a test - I think I did decent. I filled in a crazy huge review sheet and it wasn't due until  tomorrow, but that's a good thing, because now I don't have anything to do! OH! And on Monday we were filming again, and we were in a forest. I don't know if I wrote about it, but at one point, my bio teacher told us that if we licked a banana slug it would make our tongue numb. So I tried it. I licked a banana slug! Twice, because the first time didn't really work. Yes, yes I did.

Friday 25 May 2012

148 and 149

I went to Karter's after school, and then I got home late enough to be sleepy, and that is why I didn't post. Yesterday we took a bunch of notes in bio and started a review, which I got done in class. In film we read through the scripts of our screenplays and good things like that. Math was as fine as it can be when you don't totally understand what's being talked about, and socials is usually a blur - especially the day after.

Today in socials we had a huge history final. I think I did alright... The essay I know I did well on, but I'm not sure about the actual question part. We'll see! Math, same ol' same ol'. We're on the final unit though, which means I'm almost finished. Oh my goodness. In film Karter brought 'fill-in' props so we could get a feel for them, but since we didn't really have anything else to do after we read through it again, we walked and got slurpees (we were "seeing what we would do for the film in the outdoor scenes"). In bio we watched two groups of us dissect sea stars - I didn't offer to dissect one, cause I had just had a hangnail ripped off and I was bleeding. I didn't want sea star in me. Then we started another review for a big test that's coming up after the long weekend. We had to draw our own charts. It was funny how many people had problems drawing their charts and making them all line up.
Tomorrow we start shooting the film! I have to go to stupid Karter's at stupid 9:30 AM because that's the only time I was able to get a ride. BlaahSaturdaymorning.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Day of School One Hundred Forty-Seven

So, if we get out of school on June 19th, and we have one more day off between now and then... We have eighteen days of school left! That seems like more than 25, somehow.
In socials I'm so tired lately... Blah. I don't even know.
In math she got annoyed at the kids who keep not bringing paper into class, and told them that if they continue not bringing paper, they have to clean stuff for her during lunch hour... so I need to buy some paper. During my spare today we had a code red drill AND  a fire drill. So basically, up until now, if we had a real code red at any other time in the school year - we were SOL. The fire drill was rainy. I gave a guy from my bio class my review sheet, cause he wasn't there when we all got to fill them in! There isn't an assigned review sheet for the people who missed, so I just gave him mine to study. He can't have it during the test, so I'm basically just helping him study!
I went into the library to finish my big film essay today, too. I printed it off when I was done, but it turns out it isn't quite finished. I have until June 9th though. I'll probably work on it again tomorrow.
In film we... voted on which screenplays we'd work on. I'm in Karter's - no big surprise there. I think it will be good! I voted for his first, a skateboarding one second, then mine third. The skateboarding one wasn't my first choice because the people in it aren't always very reliable, and Karter wrote one of his characters after me. Mine wasn't picked to be done, but I don't mind at all! I think it was very cute, and the teacher loved it.
In bio we dissected a crayfish. It was good. We learned things, submitted things, cut things, and had an all out party!!
(that last part was a lie)

Tuesday 22 May 2012


We have another long weekend next week. THAT'S good. My foot's asleep - which isn't so good. Anyway...
I dunno. The film kids all liked my screen play! One of the other guys was gonna start telling us his, but when he said the name a friend laughed, and he didn't say it then. I think it was going to be really deep and beautiful, and I'm sincerely bummed that he didn't go on with telling us about it. I think the teacher will make him present it tomorrow though, with the other people who didn't get a chance to do theirs today. I bet it will be super sweet and we'll all want to do it. That would be classic.
I got 100% on a bio test. We were allowed to have a review sheet that we filled out, but still. I got 100%. I'm getting an A in that class now. Wooo.

This long weekend I went up to the Sunshine Coast with the youth leaders from the group that I volunteer with. We had such a great time! I kayaked, I saw some snakes, one of us broke his toe, my roomie got the flu or something all Sunday night (guh), and we missed our ferry so we had to wait for a few hours! Haha, such fun times.
We turned off all the lights in this huge massive house (like, twelve rooms. It was massive) that we were staying in, turned on a really old and broken record player (it played really slow and horrifying), and tried to make the It person crap their pants every time they came close. Me and this one guy kept finding each other first, so we kept having to be It. After I found him AGAIN, I decided to actually hide in a sweet spot. I curled up at the very head of my bed, underneath, and propped a pillow against me. They came in and felt around under the beds and even turned the light on by mistake at one point and I looked one of them in the face, but they didn't find me. Then the guy broke his toe and I came out so I didn't feel like a jerk.

Friday 18 May 2012


I had a test in every block today. Well, in film it was SORT OF a test. We watched our silent film project. It went well! One cut of music didn't work properly and kind of messed up the ending, but we can fix it before we submit it anywhere, or any parents see it, so that's good!
In socials the test was NUTS hard. We had matching, short answer, and two essays. It was open book, but even so, I had to cut my second essay short because the bell went. Good grief.
In math I only got a 61, but I think my grades overall have gone up two percent! So that's decent! In biology she let us have this sweet review page for the test as a reward for whoever was there today - so people who missed today don't get it on Tuesday - so there. I think I did super decent on that - which will be nice. It'll bring my percent up. The term is almost over! I'm so excited!
I'm going to the Sunshine Coast for the long weekend (well, this long weekend. There's three. I don't know why we make such a fuss about this one)!

Ready for the long weekend.

Thursday 17 May 2012


My partner finished our project today. I glued more stuff... and tried to contain my excitement. We have a test tomorrow, and both times I asked her she just sorta mumbled. So now! I don't know what the test is on. Doh!
Math test tomorrow... At least I'm not the only one who has hardly any clue of what's going on. My friend who sits behind me doesn't, either. I just don't think the math lady is a very good teacher - straight up.
During lunch I stood by the Kiva booth again. Then the other girl and I went around and got people to donate change. We got like thirty bucks, so that's alright! That's a loan and a bit, already.
In film we kept watching Midnight in Paris, which we started yesterday, and I actually really like it!! It makes me feel intellectual. Verrrry intellectual.
In bio we finished our notes and started review. We have a test tomorrow, as well. Three tests. Yes that's right. At least they're all BEFORE the long weekend, which I won't study during. She also gave us a pop quiz of 'spot the mollusk' and we were all hesitant, but then she played 'Under the Sea' on Youtube, and we wrote down all of them that we saw. She's such a cool teacher! Really great.

After school I went to  Karter's house with two other friends. I played Marco Polo for the first time! Yup... and we broke one of their pool surfboards, but that's ok. The break wasn't where I was standing, so it wasn't me! Besides, they weren't real surfboards...
Now I go to babysit.

Wednesday 16 May 2012


I cut up a squid today, and then I ate some squid. Except that when the foods class came to our bio class, we had to clean up our dissection. Obviously. When we went into the foods class, they had us helping - that's fine. But they were telling us to do things and not giving us any instructions at all, and at the end they made us clean up again! And I saw a few of them not cleaning. I don't know. Blah. At least we got squid. The kid that we got stuck with though, I'm pretty sure he's a bit slow. He kept dropping knives and running into us and.. dropping knives. Then we offered him the plate of squid when it was all cooked (which we did), and he definitely took it all. Oh well.

Now I think it's beach time!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

One Forty-Two

In socials today we started a project, but my partner isn't really letting me do anything. Bear in mind, that's fine. It's sort of a nice change from doing everything - and she's a really good student, so that's good! We have to make a children's book, with easy language, about a few of the prime ministers of Canada. And it has to be entertaining with like.... pictures and stuff. She's making all the facts rhyme, drawing the prime ministers, water colouring the background images (I was going to draw them, and started to, but... I guess not), and writing the whole thing. ... I get to type up the words she's written. Sort of annoying, but ahh well.
In film we kept on working on our screen plays. Today we had to describe our main character/s, and write the first scene. I'm going to finish it up either alter tonight or during spare tomorrow. After all, that's what spare's for... right? We watch our silent films on Thursday! Tomorrow we're in the band room, for a reason that I forget. But we get to watch a movie! She wouldn't tell us which one. It's like Christmas. I love surprises.
In biology we were going to watch our video project, but I think our teacher is just waiting until she has all the other videos in as well. She gave us a preview of how we'll dissect our squid tomorrow, and then she explained that we'll each be partnered with a kid from the cooking class that will be making us all calamari later. I'm pretty pumped about that detail.

Went to the beach with my dad after school! It was great! 60 SPF, oh yes.

Monday 14 May 2012

Day 141!

On Saturday we filmed our project. It's hilarious and incredible. After we filmed it I just bummed around Karter's house and pool for about four more hours. I got tanned! And Karter mocked me because I put on sunscreen, but now who's tanned and who's burnt?! Take that.
In socials we had to take a lot of notes but I was really sleepy... we have to make a children's book or something, about the prime ministers? I dunno. I just remember that I have to bring pencil crayons for my partner, as well as save some links of the PM's faces so we can draw em'. ... sweet. During lunch I was going to stand by a booth thing for Kiva, because there's this big 'Change Revolution' happening at school, but apparently it doesn't start until Wednesday - so that's nice.
In film we finished our movie. It's so good! We got our music going on and everything - woohoo! Yea.... I like it. It's called 'Feelin' Testy,' and we all think it's hilarious except for one kid in our group, but he was outvoted. We didn't even shut him down completely... but everybody voted against him. So there you go.
In biology, everybody else was finishing up their projects, but since we were done, we just fooled around on the iPads. There was this app called puppet pals, and we made little skits. It was pretty radical.
Now I'm considering beach and / or front lawn. Probably front lawn. And reading! Oh boy.

Summer! It's... it's breaking through!!!!

Friday 11 May 2012

139, 140!

Yesterday I went to Karter's with Mikayla after school to do homework before Duke of Earl back at the school in the evening, but we didn't actually do anything. Duke was great!! A bunch of the grade twelve guys sell tickets, then everybody goes and they put on skits and stuff - dresses, mocking teachers, bad jokes, etc etc. It was great! The stage crew was the muscliest guys in grade twelve, all wearing short shorts and oiled up. I wolf whistled quite a few times that evening - I won't lie. My friend Ben won! I was rooting for him. I even bought my ticket from him - so there.

Today we did an assignment in socials with the iPads, and I barely got it done in time. It was almost panic. We had to pick pictures that we felt related to certain aspects of the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, etc, and why we picked them. It was good. I managed to get a surfing picture in there AND make it relevant. I'm just that good. In film we kept editing. Our movie is basically done - we just need music now. The ending shot is brilliant and hardcore. I made it slow motion, and it's pretty rad. In bio we started a project, too. There was a bunch of different paths to choose, and the one we picked is gonna be sweet. For ours we're filming a quick movie. Basically, Karter is a squid, I'm a pirate, and Matthew is a news reporter, and Karter's pool is our main prop. He's using pool noodles for his tentacles.

And the best part? We're following the assignment instructions almost exactly.

Formal Friday? Necklace. Nuff' said.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Day 138

I lost count of how many days are left of actual school... but that's ok. Anyway! Today I got into the socials class room and all the tables had been switched around. It scared me a little at first, because I was still sleepy. But then I was fine.
In math today we had a sub that was a great teacher! Really good at explaining everything.
In film... we kept editing. Editing away. I think ours' will be swell. On the way to get the computers with the teacher, I told her about trying to think of somebody outrageously older than us who we would totally marry. She agreed with Hugh Jackman, obviously, but she disagreed with Jason Isaacs! What! Come on, now.
In biology we did leeches. Pretty nasty. But then, I decided... they can't help it! It's just the way that they eat. Still though... bleuchh.
It was wild Western day or something at school. I was one of the only seniors dressed up, but I didn't mind! I got my picture taken for the yearbook. SO there, everybody else.

Tuesday 8 May 2012


Aquarium!! It was funtastic. See? See what I did there? I mixed fun and fantastic. Because that's what it was.
There's this one sea star that smells like garlic! And then this other thing, if you jab it or something (we didn't jab it), it can make an entire room smell like really delicious water melon... and the other fish don't like it. So it's defense. Funky!
And there were so many other cool things, too. I held a sea cucumber. Yea, I did. And crabs are related to spiders! What! I held one that looked like a big ol' watery spider. It was even hairy - except it didn't freak me out! Crabs don't count as spiders. They're like spider's attractive, foreign cousins that you want to get to know.

Monday 7 May 2012

Day One Thirty-Six

Dissected a worm today! I liked it. I'm pretty sweet behind a scalpel and pair of tweezers. She asked what the 'scientific' term for tweezers was or whatever, and somebody said 'grabbers.' Haha... I love high school.
It was Monday today, and the 'thing' was the school colors. There was like... five of us dressed up. Bahaha. I miss tomorrow because of the field trip, but it's pyjama Tuesday. I'm pumped for the fieldin' trip. Anyway.
It's 18 outside, so I think I'm gonna go read or walk. Umm... we had a test in math. I got 18.5 out of 22. I've gotten it three times on different tests. A 19 is an 'A'. An 18.5 is a 'B'. ... hmmmmm.

Thursday 3 May 2012


Something like 29 days of school left! Yes. Yes that is a good a thing. Yesterday I bought a bunch of Disney songs on iTunes. But only the good ones.

Today in socials ... see, socials kinda just blurs. It's so darn early and far away-ago. Ahh well. Oh! After the lesson the teacher started a big conversation about like... Harry Potter and movies. So we just talked about nothing for about twenty of minutes - it was pretty alright.
In spare I totally planned to do some research for a big essay that we have to do for film, but then I sat at a table and talked with a friend and a new friend instead. (it's the hard to type, because I'm singing out loud at the same time. Multi-tasking)
In math we did some review - test on Monday, I think. Yes ma'am.
In film my group finished our project today! I forgot to say 'that's a wrap,' but oh well. I had to walk down the hallway ripping papers out of a binder and throwing them, and a teacher was like, 'Umm, can you pick those up, please?' Because she thought I was actually mad. Then we had to explain that it was just a shoot. She stayed to watch, and then she complimented my acting. Yup! After that shoot we went outside and I had to drop kick a binder (and papers went everywhere and it was great), but we had to do quite a few takes, and people kept looking apprehensive, because they thought I was serious as well. No big deal. Just being bi-polar at school. Mmhmm.
In biology we did a big bit of notes. But that's okay, I like bio. Our first dissection is on Monday. It'll be my first dissection ever in ever.On Tuesday we go to the aquarium.

Now it's the long weekend. Begin sleeping.... now.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Day One Thirty-Four

Today in socials... we kept on learning stuff. It was pretty great. I did some corrections to my test. It's a quarter mark per new correct answer, so I bumped myself up five marks! So that's nice. In spare I reviewed for biology, which we had a test in today! Last night I had dreams of skinny white worms being dropped on my pillow and going in my mouth and eyes. Thanks for that, biology. Thanks.
"School gives me nightmares..."
In math we had a pretest today, and I only got a 75, but then I made sure I understood some of the ones I got wrong, and bumped it up to a 95, I think. As in... on the test tomorrow, hopefully, I can pull of an A. THAT would be nice. We kept filming, in film (what?! Filming... in film?!). Today when the teacher left the room (the class room that she was nice enough to let us use), we did a bunch of takes of a really fast scene were I huck a calculator against the far wall. We're artistic.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

131, 132, 133!

Ok. I suck and forget to post on my blog. We all know.

School has been alright - I got a crappy grade on a bio test, but I'm decent in it otherwise so I think I'll be okay. I've been getting math, so that's good. In film we've started actually filming, so that's fun too! I'm the student who doesn't understand a test, and I just get more and more amped up until finally I storm out of the classroom and start hucking papers around. It was my idea, AND they wanted me to be the main in it. Normally I try to stay away from being the main if I had the idea for a story, but the other kids in my group wanted me to do it, so... there you go. In socials we started learning about the 60s! I'm pumped! I actually love the 60s. I wish that I was a baby boomer! I would have been right in the middle of Dogtown and The Endless Summer. Gah. Thinking about stuff like that actually chokes me up. I love it so... so much. I can't even- .... It's what I wish my life was! Entirely. Don't get me wrong, my life is sweet -.... but actually seeing and going to Zephyr in it's hay day? And the Z-Boys? I.... can't even describe... nope. No words! Anyway.
Since we have to learn about Canada in socials, we aren't really talking about surf culture. Pfft. But that's alright. ACTUALLY - one thing that was cool and got me pumped up all over again: The youth of the 60s were all called Zephyrs. Which makes sense. Zephyr shop. Z-Boys. It all fits! Whoaa.
That's been the last three days. Bit of everything, but more or less the same. 30 days left of school! Yea!

Today was the Sandcastle Cup (that's a big final rugby game against my school and our rival school). We won. No big deal.

Thursday 26 April 2012


During spare I came home and watched the end of a movie, and then I watched squirrels out our window. They're SO cute. My math teacher laughed at one of my jokes today! That was pretty intense... anyway. In film there was only one other kid from my group, so we just wrote the Treatment - which is sort of the 'backstory' to our project. Yup. Karter's project is gonna be sweet - it's even creepy to listen to the planning of it. I think it'll be really good. In bio we started worms and stuff. So great. Karter fingerprinted my thumb, which is all well and good, but now I have ink all over my thumb that won't wash off.

I'm going to have cereal for supper tonight. Yea. I am. YEA!

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Day One Twenty-Nine

Listening to some Blink 182...!! So good.

In socials we learned more stuff about the fifties. It's kind of a mushy blur. During spare I went home and swept my room and did laundry. In math we learned some more stuff, too. I understood it! For once! At lunch I was going to help Karter study, cause I'm cool like that, but we couldn't get his pages. I'm the one who has his missing tasks list. He is going to pass biology 11. During film we broke into groups for silent films and tossed ideas back and fourth. My group liked one of my ideas best, so we're going with it. We're doing a kid who doesn't know any answers to a final test, and just starts freaking out. It'll be funny! In biology we had a sub. We also had a test, and finished the dissecting a camel video. Then... well, firstly, the sub was pretty old. His voice was really monotone, and deep. He called one kid a youngster. I felt sort of bad for him, cause it's not the easiest class to take over. He didn't strike me as 'fragile-old' though - more like 'hardened military-old.' Then he started telling about the camels in Kuwait. ... then he started telling us about the 5% of Kuwaitis that have ruined the name for all the rest of them, because they're 'rich and spoiled.' Something about oil... then he said they ride motorbikes too fast and don't wear helmets. Then... he started telling us about this teacher lady that couldn't leave Kuwait. And... hmm.. Yea. Then at about 3:28, people started getting ready to leave, and he didn't want them to leave, because school wasn't technically out yet, but he sort of didn't say it loud enough, so a few people left. Then I felt bad again as I sat there.
It was mostly funny. But also slightly sad.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

127, 128

I forgot to post yesterday. This is because I went to Karter's house. We watched our comedic and dramatic films yesterday - the teacher really liked them! So that's a good thing. Had a socials midterm. I got 79 out of 100 I think? Not too bad! I'm getting a B in socials, an A in both bio and film (in Bio I got a 96 on a test we did. YEA I did), and a C+ in math. Gahhh. But that's ok. I already have my math credits - I just need to keep pluggin' away and doing my best. In socials today we started learning about suburbia - I love pictures from the fifties. But I really can't wait for the 60s. The Endless Summer, Z Boys, the Beach Boys, and all that good stuff. In math today we started a new unit - whoopie doo. In film we were in the library studying / researching for our essay. I'm relatively sure I was the only one who actually did anything. Ha..ha... ahh. In bio we reviewed, then watched a movie where the cut up a camel. Tomorrow we get to finish it. A few people looked pretty grim, but I thought it was so cool! Camels have these floppy skin projections in their cheeks, so their cheeks chew as well! So cool!!

Saturday 21 April 2012

The Weekend!

I went to the beach! When I got home I made myself a smoothie, and I was pretty pumped up for it... but it's not as good as I wanted it to be. And that is my story.

Friday 20 April 2012

Day one hundred twenty-six.

I have a math test AND a socials midterm on Monday. I'm not stressed. Today in math I leaned over to the friend behind me and said, "Sometimes this class makes me feel dumb," And the teacher heard and was like, 'Why would you say that when you're getting a B?" And then I felt bad for some reason. I'm starting to like the teacher a bit more. She's still terrifying, but I feel like she's relaxed a little bit. Also, she still wears her hair down since my friend and I complimented it.
We had a practice midterm in socials today. I only got a 68, but that was with no time for studying. This weekend we don't have the musical on Sunday, and we're only supposed to be there in the evening on Saturday, so I'll be able to study then. In film I helped another group film there's, and Karter helped another group. Cause we were the only one's that were done. I'm pretty sure people think of me as a try hard, which isn't a bad thing, but... I just don't jack around and I do stuff on time - meh. Karter was practicing fake punching my face. We freaked one kid out.
In bio we learned about jellyfish. So cool - the reason things 'sting' is because they have a little ol' sensory cell on em', and when the sensor gets pushed a little harpoon shoots out and sticks in you! If the prey is too big and can pull away, the harpoon is ripped off, but the jelly can grow a new one.
Then she let us go ten minutes early. Hoorayer!

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Day 124

We got an early release today! I'm home already. Yaaay!
In socials we saw some sweet medals. The German medals are way cooler than the British ones, just saying. Every class was only an hour today. That was sweet. During lunch I helped Karter study for bio, cause I'm nice like that. In film we had to pick a group of two, then group up with another group of two. Karter and I are a group, and two other friends are with us. Each group of two has to do a dramatic scene and a comedic scene, and write a script and stuff, and the other group films them, and vice versa. Our's is gonna be pretty funny, I think. In bio we started on kingdom Animalia. I remember helping my friend Mikee do all of this homework last year, so I feel super behind. But it's all good.
Tonight is opening night of the musical! They had a performance yesterday, but that didn't count cause it was just for elementary students. Today is the big deal! I'm pumped.

This is my 'pumped and in a toque' face.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

122? No! 123!

Man. I am an unreliable kid, hey? Not posting here, not posting there... well anyway, yesterday I didn't get home until like ten thirty, and then all of my attention was on my homework.

Tomorrow in socials a guy is coming, and we all get to look at NAZI artifacts and stuff. Some medals, and maybe a helmet... stuff like that. I'm pretty excited! Even though WWII was a super terrible thing, I've always liked learning about and studying it. In spare I just did homework... it was rip roarin'. In math we had some handout things, and I got everything done! Yay! But.. I still have homework from other lessons that I haven't gotten totally finished yet. ... During lunch I studied again. I had a peanut butter and honey sammich on French bread, with a cucumber. It was mucho yummy! In film we were in the library researching for our big assignment. I chose CGI for mine, but now it's switched to the images / visual effects of old sci-fi movies versus now sci-fi movies. Because some of those really old sci-fimovies... hilarious. Anyway. In biology we had a quiz, and a sub! Everybody else talked the entire time, but I managed to get all my reading done. ... yaay. The sub was really funny, but I felt sort of bad for him - subs sometimes don't know if they can yell at the kids to tell them to be quiet, so they just try to laughingly tell them so. After school I watched the end of the rugby game. I don't know who we were playing or if we won, because I was only there for like five minutes, but it was good!
Now I'm going to help Karter review for the quiz he missed today. Cause I'm nice like that.

Sunday 15 April 2012

121 but on Sunday

I went to a friend's house after school on Friday! I was only going to put a picture anyway, but there was no time. I'll do one now!


Thursday 12 April 2012


Today I spelled 120 with characters. I know. Rebel. I just ate some cheese and crackers, but it was really salty. So now I'm drinking water.

In socials we watched some newsreels from WWII and learned some stuff. Looking at the RAF and Luftwaffe planes looking like birds all in formation was so cool! My grandad was in that war! He was a tail gunner! I know. So cool! I get goosebumps when I see footage of all those planes. If it didn't mean a war would be going on, I'd like to see them in real life.
In spare I painted more stuff in the theatre. Today I was repainting something I had painted yesterday, that had gotten painted wrong by people after me. ... so now it's white again.
In math we kept learning mathematics. I always wanna say it in French - mathematique.
In film we finished Moulin Rouge! Lots of the others didn't like it, but my love of it outnumbered everybody else's dislike. So there.
In biology we had a quiz/test thing. We were 'review cramming' before hand, because even once you looked over it, you forgot what it was. But I think I did well!

Now I have to go back to the school for more rehearsal. Dress rehearsal is Sunday.. I still can't believe that. Ahh well. We'll see! It's like an adventure.
..... misadventure.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Day 119

I'm hungry. But.. I decided to do this little dandy before I forgot. Because I would have forgotten.

In socials today we got some stuff back. I got a 75 on a test. Hmm... That's still a B, I guess. I thought I did better, but apparently not! Tada! In spare I helped paint some stuff in the theatre. I wore a skirt today, and when I wore the smock-thing it looked like I wasn't wearing any pants. In math we learned some new stuff - I'm not perilously confused yet! Perilously. That's a good word. Anyway... during lunch I was standing outside the photo room with some people and Garth and Wayne ran out and asked if we wanted to get our picture with them for the year book. Obviously I wanted to, so a friend and I went in and got pictures. Personally, I think it was fantastic. In film we kept watching Moulin Rouge - guh. Guh! I love that movie. We also saw how we're doing in the class, and I'm doing great! Yaaay great. In bio we were looking at stuff under our microscope, and we were supposed to find living moving things, but we couldn't really find anything under ours. I went to somebody else's and used their organisms for my sketches. So it was all good. I have homework now - for bio, though. Not math! So it's ok.

Aaannnnd now it's eat time.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

I did the math. It's day 118.

Yup - I figured everything right.
I think I sort of look like 'Tom Delonge on an unattractive day' in the picture of my shifty eyes... I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

In socials we started learning about Hitler and stuff. I already know all about World War II, but I guess this'll make it official! Tada. In spare I did homework and a fire drill. In math I found out I'm getting a B! A low B... but still a B! In film we finished Baz Luhrman's Romeo and Juliet, and moved onto Moulin Rouge. I love Moulin Rouge, but I wasn't a huge fan of Romeo and Juliet - possibly because of his style, or possibly because I'm sort of sick of that whole story. It was cool though, to notice that Moulin Rouge and Romeo and Juliet were very similar, film element-wise. I'm going to be doing a big report on sort of the history of CGI. We got to think of and pick our own! She warned me that it's a huge topic, but I don't mind - it interests me! Godzilla versus Avatar. Stuff like that! In bio we kept on learning about phylums and stuff. We're looking at pond water under the microscope tomorrow. Gonna see all those charming little... living things. Karter suggested using water from his pool, but unfortunately they put chemicals in it yesterday. ... it's pretty darn nasty, though. It would have worked well!

Tonight is a four hour musical rehearsal... I don't think I have to be there for the whole thing though. On Saturday we have a 9 - 5 rehearsal. Yes that's right. Eight hours! It's not even the dress rehearsal. Phew.


Monday 9 April 2012

Spring Break Blues

I got a sunburn today. This is big news.

I got out of the habit of posting on this little dandy over Spring Break. Well, we had a four-day weekend this weekend... so THAT is my excuse for not posting recently.
However! The fact remains that I'm out of practice! Tomorrow I will turn over a new leaf! Or rather... turn over an old one.

How's THAT for shifty eyes?!

Thursday 29 March 2012

One Eleven Yesterday and 112 Today!

I forgot to do this yesterday. Don't be hatin'.

Yesterday? Let's see... I wanted to die in math, socials was fine, biology was brilliant (we learned about more viruses) - she made us make models of viruses. Me, Matthew, and Karter took a T4 virus - it was hard. It's a plant virus, and it has these spindly little legs that latch onto a cell then pull it down so it can stick you, then inject it's own DNA in. So cool and nasty. My model sucked - the glue was too old and I creased one area wrong, so half of it didn't line up. I covered it in tape. It cooperated.
Film was as good as ever! We learned about Tim Burton's style of filming and some elements of his movies, then we started watching Edward Scissorhands. I love that movie so much.

Today socials was nice! I like socials. The teacher was telling people that she'd call home if they were doing bad, then she looked at me and said she could call my mum and just say, 'Meadow's awesome,' if I wanted her to. She's funny. In math I understood what we were doing - thank freaking goodness. In film we got about ten minutes before the end of Edward Scissorhands - doh! We're actually getting tested on how it shows Tim Burton's style, and the elements we noticed. It's so cool! A test on a film! Could it be better!? Tomorrow we'll finish it and probably take the actual test, then on Monday we're watching another Burton film. She won't tell us what it is yet, because we're all film nerds and she knows we'll all be happier with a surprise. As for me, I hope it's either Sleepy Hollow, Big Fish, or Ed Wood (because I hadn't heard of Ed Wood). In biology we started a project on viruses! She said that it was a partner project so we were supposed to take one computer per two people, but some people didn't get that. Anyway, Karter and I did, so we chose West Nile Virus. Matthew picked Influenza so he could learn what was happening inside of me and tell me about how I was dying. WNV. Crows are the most affected by it! Did you know in 1999, 90% of New York's crow population was wiped out? That's huge.

After school I went to the theatre because I'm the wireless mic kid. It's a HUGE job, but I think I can do it. I have to have an assistant because there's some shows / practices that I can't make, and it'll be good to have her anyway, because it could be a bit stressful trying to rip a guy's jacket off, feed a mic through his shirt, tape it to his face, get the jacket back on, and get him back on stage all at the same time, while doing three other guys as well. It'll be good that she's there.

Tuesday 27 March 2012


So sick - blaahh. Last night my dad brought the Buckleys into my room and it coated my throat in cold, and it was amazing. When I woke up this morning I wanted to die, momentarily.
We did an assignment in socials - no big problems there. We have a test on Friday. In math we kept on learning. I'm getting what we're doing, so that's good. In film yesterday we watched the projects, then today we watched one that we hadn't seen yesterday. After that, we edited our films according to the feedback that we got. I like ours. In biology we learned about viruses and had a test. I have a cold though, so it was gross AND cool to read about what was happening inside of me.

I actually love having tests. They're fun. They're like quizzes, or paperwork!

Monday 26 March 2012

Day One-Oh-Nine!

Spring break's over, and I have a cold. I feel like yuck! School was school. I had a super tasty sandwich for lunch. It didn't even get soggy.. somehow. Yea, I know. Pretty fantastic.

Friday 9 March 2012

107 and 108!

I forgot to post yesterday, but that's because I was out of the swing of things. And I am fully prepared to be out of the swing of things for two weeks - Spring Break! Having no school for a while because of the strike was nice. Now... it's Spring Break. Sort of a silly place for a strike, but what are you gonna do? We watched a movie in biology today. It had Jude Law in it, and some guy I've never heard of but who was a good actor.
I got a for-real letter in the mail from a friend! That was nice. My tattoo is itchy, but it's looking a lot better! Today in socials we... let's see... we learned about the 1920s, and stuff that happened around then. In film we finished our 'ingredient' projects! I'm excited to see them when we get back from break (but not excited enough as to hope it comes quickly)! Did I mention that my tattoo was itchy?

Tattoo update!

Friday 2 March 2012


Had a test in socials today! I think I did fine. During spare I went outside with some kids who were protesting with the walk out (because I was in spare, I figured there was nothing else to do). I got some honks, and then my hands got cold so I went back inside. We had a test in math today as well, and I know I did well in that. I was finished in about fifteen minutes. During lunch I wandered. Hmm... more editing in film, today. At one point we sort of ran out of stuff to edit, so Lee, Kyle and I started goofing around with Photobooth and Garageband. Lee was really getting into the spacey-piano music! So funny. In biology we watched another movie (because most of the student weren't there because of the walk out), and it was awesome! This one was about baboons. Very cool. When they started cutting open the reproductive bits of the male baboon, I looked beside me at Karter, and his mouth was hanging open and he looked disturbed. On my other side, Matthew had his hands on his cheeks, and looked disturbed as well - Megan (a friend visiting our class) and I thought it was interesting!

My Hunger Games books came in the mail today. That's a week early! Yay

Thursday 1 March 2012

Day One Hundred and Five

I went to Karter's after school today! His brother and his brother's friends have won a local film festival two years in a row! I was inspired. Mikayla came over to his house too, and we watched some Youtube, played some wii, ate some food... he even played me his American Idol recordings, so I got to see Deandre (WOOHOO).

School was good. Nobody touch my back today, so that's nice - it's getting itchy though. The teachers are all going on strike Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, which is annoying but ahh well. Tomorrow, too, apparently there's going to be a walk-out. I don't even know what that is, so I'm staying in class. I think it's when the students go out and protest with the teachers, but I'd say more than half of them aren't going to stay around, they're just going to leave. Besides... I want to learn about baboons.

Wednesday 29 February 2012


So I got a tattoo yesterday! At school today, if I was walking with somebody we had to go slow, because I had to stop every ten seconds and show somebody. I'm soooo excited about it - it looks just like what I wanted it to!
Let's see... we have a vocab quiz in socials tomorrow - eww. In spare I showed people my back. In math we had a pretest that I aced. During lunch I showed people my back and ate a sammich. During film we edited! I think our's is going to be decent. On the way to class I showed people my back. During bio we did some more evolution.
I just noticed that film and bio are the only two classes I have in a row. That's nice. Socials, spare, math, lunch, film, bio. ... Decent!

Monday 27 February 2012

Day One-Hundred and Two

The names are getting larger ad harder to write. I had ate a foldy.

I can't remember what we did in socials today because it was so long ago, but I aced the pop quiz. We got our marks that we're getting so far in the class (and it's on a 25% base), and I had a pretty decent score, so woohoo! During spare there was supposed to be a fire drill but it was cancelled, and I was supposed to go help the theatre / art chick paint some stuff for the musical but I forgot. In math we did some learning with numbers and stuff - our test is on Friday. I had the most delicious leftover soup for lunch, oh my goodness. It was all... orzo and beets and kale.... So good. In film we filmed some more, but we actually only got one shot done, because we had none of the props we needed and stuff. It's going to be tough to get the props and stuff by tomorrow.. uh. Today I also had my biology buddy boys back, so I wasn't lonely! Hooray! We got into big discussions, and barely finished in time for the day to be over.

Friday 24 February 2012

School 101

Ha, see what I did with the name there?

Today in socials we looked at nasty pictures of people with trench mouth and foot. Pretty darn eww. On Monday during my spare I'm going to help paint more stuff for the musical, because I'm good enough that she asked me to do it again - yes that's right. In math I got todays and yesterdays homework done, so I have a none-math weekend! In film we started filming! For one scene I had to run out of a classroom to "throw up." Well, I did such a good job that as I ran out (they were filming) with my hand over my mouth, two teachers stopped and looked very concerned. We're keeping that in the final project. For the next scene I had to run to a garbage can and "throw up." After I did, the janitor walked by and was all, 'So you threw up in there?' and I had to explain, again. Then we had me eating dill pickle chips and a cookie, because we couldn't get pickles and ice cream - it actually just tasted so bad, and I like nasty things! One of the other groups has huge amounts of fake blood. Every teacher's blood pressure is probably going to be through the roof by the end of this project. In bio I got notes for Karter and Matthew, because they both weren't there. Matthew is rocking a fever of 104, and Karter had to leave early. We learned all about Cassowaries! Coolest bird ever.

I was going up to my locker before bio, and just when I got to the top of the stairs there was a guy about to come down. We did the left, right, left thing, then we both sort of walked forward (assuming the other was going to go the other way), and we bumped right into each other. We started laughing and apologizing, and I thought it was funny enough to write about. The end.

Thursday 23 February 2012


Tadaaaah! Today is my 100th day of public school ever in my life. Whoaaa.
We had course selection today - we didn't actually pick anything, they just gave us the low down so we know what's going on. During spare a bunch of the guys were playing man hunt, it was fun to watch. Let's see... we got our shot list finished in film! I think we begin shooting tomorrow. In biology we learned some stuff, and I'm not sure if I'm doing it right - so my homework is on hold until tomorrow. I'm gonna try to find a friend who knows what it is, and then see if I can get it done!
I had a nap when I got home from school; naps are amazing. You know that moment between awake and asleep where you can hear stuff but can't do anything about it? I heard my door open, and my mum said, "No, you have to go in," And my dad replied with, "I'm not going in there! No way!" So that was funny, too. I'm giving blood on Saturday! Woo!

FYI - I definitely got a scar from one of my "adoring fans"! Fan mail! First ever in my life. This is a big deal.
Don't be hatin' on the pose. It was required.

Wednesday 22 February 2012


Tomorrow is 100 whole days of public school in my life!

In socials I got a really rich brownie, and a cuppycake. I'm pretty darn pumped about that, actually. I ate half the brownie, then shared. I ate all the cuppycake (but I scraped off most of the icing. Because it was actually inches off the cake) after my lunch. In spare I walked home to get my forgotten lunch. Tomorrow during math admin are going to come around and give all the grade elevens their course selection papers - I think there's five of us in that class. I know what I want to take next semester, mostly. So that's good! I can still switch everything if I change my mind later. In film we finished our story, then started work on our shot list. For a while there we were going to have me be pregnant with an alien fetus baby, and go with that. But we changed our mind's. In biology we talked about cancer. I hate talking about cancer, because now I'm paranoid that I have it and am not gonna know about it! There's cancer, heart disease, and lung disease on both sides of my family. Spiffy.

David Bowie!

Tuesday 21 February 2012


Today in Socials she counted up the stickers we all got for the bonus questions she asked each day, and I had the most, so tomorrow I get a prize. Then we had some time left in class so she gave us a quiz and said the first one to get it done would win a prize, and I got mine done first. Yea - two prizes tomorrow.

I'm actually that kid.

Monday 20 February 2012

Día Noventa y Siete (that's in Spanish)

On Friday I couldn't write, because as soon as I got home my ride was ready to take me to Big White for the weekend. As I rushed around my room, my elbow caught an open container of candy hearts, and KABLAMMO, all over my floor. I had no time to clean them up - but when I got home they were all put away. Yay! So the weekend was really fun. We snow tubed and skated the first day. There was a guy at the top of one of the tube hills that we kept going to, because he spun the hardest. He kept making us sing or dance if we wanted a spin, then on our last run I was sitting in the tube, and my friend kept throwing snow in my face. I told her to stop (but I was laughing, so it wasn't very forceful), and all of a sudden the snowboard guy leaned down and said, 'Know what's worse?' and dumped the whole mountain down the back of my coat. It was very chilly, then wet. The next day we went snowshoeing, me (for the first time) and a bunch of others! We did about 5 kilometres, and we even did a black trail by mistake (green is easy, then red, then blue, then black) - but we all survived: some of us more than others. On the way home from the mountain, one of the tires of the van I was in blew up, so we pulled to the side and got it changed. Then about five minutes of driving and the spare blew up, so we pulled into a Triple O's and waited for somebody to come get us. It was hilarious and fun.

Today in school... we had a socials test! Cake. Then in math we did some stuff as well - always good to do stuff. Had a Kiva meeting at lunch! In film we watched the stuff we filmed on Friday, and gave ourselves feedback and stuff - ours was okay! It was pretty dark, but our shots all lined up really well, which was the whole point. In bio we did a review for our test tomorrow. On one side there was Karter sitting, on T3's because he got teeth pulled, so he was a bit loopy and unfocused. On the other side was Matthew, who was getting the flu / a fever, so he was totally loopy as well. For about the first twenty minutes we were all working decently. Then Matthew started staring into space and thinking about the core of the Earth, and Karter started trying to bribe me with a brownie in exchange for copying answers. I was still workin' away. When there was about forty-five minutes left, they both gave up and instead entertained themselves by pulling on my cheeks, blowing on my head, shuffling my papers, poking me, and stuff like that. I thought it was hilarious, and somehow I managed to keep working throughout the whole class. I'm just that great (PLUS they both have to do about three pages of work by tomorrow. So there).

Thursday 16 February 2012



Does it make me a nerd if I'm looking forward to doing my bio homework?

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Day Ninety-Five

I'm eating a Reese peanut butter heart - ohhh my goodness.

This morning I was having one of those 'wake up a bunch of times but don't really wake up and still have hours to sleep,' sort of mornings. During one of those wake ups, I heard my mum in the kitchen, and I figured it was pretty early for her to be up, so I checked my alarm clock. It said 5:15 AM, so I was about to go back to sleep, but then I checked my phone, and IT said 7:15 AM. Turns out the power went out and my alarm didn't go - faaantastic. I still wasn't late for class though! I'm pretty super.
 It was too hot in math today - the teacher laughed and said it was probably all the grade eights in the class before ours. They just breath too much! Too much carbon dioxide. Just stop.
In film we saw all of the storyboards that we did yesterday, and then we broke into groups and decided on which one to shoot. I'm pumped about the group I'm in, because two of them are super good to work with - the other one is... able to be worked with, we'll say. We're not doing my story, but the one that we are doing is really good!
This chocolate is delicious.
While the whole class was in a circle, one kid kept copying me - apparently I sit really straight, and move my shoulders back and fourth. I tried to stop, but then I'd forget really fast and I'd see him start doing it again and I'd laugh and try to stop again. It was all fun times.
Tomorrow we'll be watching our scavenger hunt videos. My group is boss. No big deal.

Tuesday 14 February 2012


Happy Valentimes day!!! My hand got decorated in bio.

Yup! I gave everybody those little conversation hearts that nobody really likes, but everybody eats on Valentimes day. It's just a thing to do. I left some on every locker in one of the hallways, too! Matthew and I also drew on the chalkboard after bio with one of them - it worked. And it erased. In film we had a scavenger hunt! We were all broken into groups, and one of the things we had to do was a dollying shot of the people in our group. We did it in two takes, with two kids standing there, then another kid pushing the camera guy on one of those chair dollies. It was hilarious, because that's not what our teacher meant. But use what you have, right? She said we could use skateboard or a longboard, so why not be a bit more legit about it? I got a flower gram from good ol' anonymous!!!!! It actually smells so good. I got a Reese peanut butter heart from my dad, too - so good.
For film we have to write a story tonight! We have to work out our shots and plots, and I think we have to storyboard it as well. I'm pumped - I love story boarding (how often do you read THAT?).

Monday 13 February 2012

Day Ninety-Three

We had a pro D day on Friday - so technically I didn't forget to write.

Today in socials we did a writing assignment on human rights, and watched a video that made me mad at every person who hurts another person. I drank chocolate milk during my spare. In math we did some stuff - I have a lot of homework though, and it was too hot in the class room today. During lunch we had a Kiva meeting, but we didn't talk about anything. In film we did some short five shot scenes but with just a fake camera. At one point she used me and another kid for a demonstration, and at the end I was supposed to think of a snappy comeback to say to the friend that was accusing me of stealing his cat. For some totally unknown reason, I said, 'Just because it's true you don't need to say it!' and ran off. Pretty sure the laughing was at, not with. It wasn't funny or snappy, but that's completely ok! It made it realistic - I don't think I've ever had a snappy comeback at the time I've needed one. I always think of one after. During bio Karter wasn't there so it was just me and Matthew at the microscope. We drew some stuff, and calculated some stuff.

I just ate bread with honey.

Thursday 9 February 2012

The Day of Ninety-Two

Today we had a socials test - thing. I did fantastic (I'm assuming. Because... it's me we're talking about. After all). I ate crackers, avocado and cucumbers, and drank water during spare - it was a ticket to delicious town. During bio I was one of the five who knew what we were supposed to do. AHA!

I was going to do some foot-pose thing with my foot, but I got a leg cramp before it took the picture.

Wednesday 8 February 2012


Nutella and peanut butter sammich.

During lunch today I couldn't find anybody for a while, so I wandered until I did. Somebody gave me some girl guide cookies - those were delicious.
In bio we used our microscopes, and since my partners and I were really fast, we just started looking at other stuff. We looked at pieces of our hair - mine was really gross and had a bump on it or something. We decided that the bump could have been the gel. We looked at a fuzz from my shirt, and then we had the other kid pick his fingernail, and we looked at that - it was really gross and cool looking. He needs to clean his fingernails more.

Now it's homework time.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Day Ninety.

I think I'll have a 'one hundred days in public school,' party for myself in ten days. I think I'll wear a party hat that'll be recycled from my birthday. I think that would be appropriate.

TODAY in socials we finished our note booklet, and learned about the political parties and kinda where they stand. The Green Party is definitely the only party I would consider voting for. Ever. In a million years. Let's see... during my spare I did homework and ate a granola bar. And some of my friends' food stuffs. In math we did some happy things, and now I sit next to a girl named Mercury. Mercury and Meadow. We could be a superhero duo. During lunch I sat with some of my friends while they were selling shirts to raise awareness for 'Anti-bullying day,' but then I got bored of that and wandered around for a while! In film we analyzed Millions, then tried to count shot changes in sword fight scenes from the Princess Bride, and Pirates 1. It's really funny how the mind notices shot and angle changes, but doesn't necessarily register it if it's going by really quickly. During that class I had to leave for a sec to run up to my locker to get my mum a key for the house, because her purse got stolen! ... woohooo! We changed the locks so no axe murderers would come and slit our throats while we slept. On the up side, my new key is a Canucks key - yay! In Bio we also did some things. Tomorrow is our first (my first ever) lab!

I tried to do the crackers challenge - the one where you eat six in a minute. They say it's impossible, but I  thought my chewing skills were better. I only got four and a half. Doh!

Monday 6 February 2012

Day Eighty-Nine

School! Everything went decent today - I didn't wanna cry, pass out, OR burn anything all day. So that was good. I have lots of homework though... we finished Millions in film and TV - it was cute! I was scared that it was going to have a sad ending for a second there. In biology we did an exercise, and I thought for sure my group was using kidney beans, but they were lima beans. Doh.

Now it's motorbike time with my dad! I have an eye exam today. Ahhhhh.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Eighty-Eight a Day Late

I had my birthday party yesterday - woohoo! We watched Shaun of the Dead. Dada! In school I darnk tea, and basically understood everything in everything. We started watching Millions in film and TV. I've seen it before, but I forget how it ends. The main boy is SO CUTE! He's just adorable and British and just little and aww!

This is what my hair looks like after a shower when the hair stylist HASN'T styled it.

Thursday 2 February 2012



School was tiring today - guh. So tiring and difficult. I barely understood bio today, but I got my homework done. Whether it's right or not is unknown. I understood math today - so that's good. Tomorrow my socials teacher said she's bringing a kettle for tea. I'm totally bringing a mug.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Day Eighty-Six

I got 24 of 24 on my safety quiz in bio. I guess that's probably the main one I wouldn't want to fail. We conducted a cute little experiment too, just to get us on track with how to record everything. She told us that when we dissect a squid later on, we get to make calamari. Worst time ever to be a vegetarian: I loved calamari. Math today was even more confusing (still in review, people!); I got 24 of 38. That's 63% - which is still a pass, I might add. I think I'll just be content with getting a passing grade, if that's possible, because I heard that even a really low grade in foundations is better than an A in Apprenticeship and Workplace. So there you go. Today in socials I didn't know the governor general's name in a pop quiz, so I named him John (most common name out there = worth a try). In Film and TV we just played some more theatre games, but we actually started working on some tableaux as well (but they're not called tableaux in theatre. They have some fancy name). Film and TV is my favorite class.

During spare a bunch of us helped decorate a locker with love-y heart paraphernalia for Valentimes day. At lunch we had another kiva meeting! When we start to put up posters, we're actually going to mass produce sticky-notes that say 'KIVA - EMS Kiva' or something, just to get people really wondering what's up - then there will be bigger posters in the commons area explaining things.
On my way to the Kiva meeting, I was running because I had to go back to the school for something and didn't want to be late. As I ran, one of my friends saw me and stopped right in my path, and went into one of those 'crouch ready to spring' poses. I thought he was just going to get in my way so I sort of sidestepped, then he jumped forward and threw me over his shoulder and started running with me to the portable. When he put me down he grabbed my shoulders and said, "Eye of the tiger, Meadow! Eye of the tiger," then ran off. After bio I was walking to my locker (walking is the fastest the hallways will allow), and I saw a kid from Film and TV walking with one of his friends. When they were beside me I was about to smile, but then his friend lunged forward and made a screaming-inhale sort of noise right in my face, and I shrieked. It made me laugh.
As I was leaving school I stopped to talk to a friend, but I was standing off the sidewalk, and suddenly there was a bus trying to park where I was standing. So I got back on the sidewalk in a hurry, but bumped into some kid. I said sorry, but then I overcompensated in the other direction and bumped into another kid. Ha!

I get a haircut tomorrow.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Day Eighty-Five

I hurt my thumb. I poked it too hard with the end of a sharp thing, and now it hurts whenever I touch anything with it.

I think I failed my first socials quiz! I got two of five right on the beginning, then I got all three bonus questions right. So that's ok - I don't even mind. Let's see... In math we had a sub, and we did a 'review' thing, and let me tell you - most of the review stuff from grade nine, we didn't even learn in the A&W math 11! But I think I did relatively okay. I had to do some guess work though, as well. During lunch I ate some stir fry. There's people selling flower grams for Valentine's Day during lunch now! It's going to be cute, seeing everybody running around to the period 2 classes and delivering flowers. In film and TV all we did was play ice breaker games, because we had a sub. We did charades, and my team really lost, because we got ones like 'Sin Nombre,' and freaking... other hard ones. But even with all the hard ones, a guy on my team still guessed, 'The Legend of the Drunken Master,' and some other hard one where the person kills somebody with one of those sharp sticks that they made... you know... those ones that you make in prison? You see why I can't remember what it was called. And then in bio we did some stuff - not as difficult as yesterday. Tomorrow we have a safety quiz.

Monday 30 January 2012

Day Eighty-Four Second Semester Day One!

Wow. I'm pretty sure there's more kids this semester than last semester. I know that's silly... but those hallways were solid walls today.
I started with socials! Our teacher seems like she'll take no guff, which is always good to see in a teacher; it's a huge step up from my last first block teacher, man. She uses words that everybody learned in grade 7, 8, and 9, but "technically" I skipped all those grades, so the terms aren't as engrained in my head as some of the other kids. That's alright though. She also wants to start a breakfast / snack club every Friday. I think that's an unbelievably good idea. Partners would bring a breakfasty snack thing for the class once every month, and then we would eat it. Pretty straight forward.
After socials I had my spare - it's in second block now. I actually know a bunch of people in it, including Margo, so that's good. She probably won't come everyday though, because she doesn't start school until third block: why would she come early?
After that I had my math 10. I found it hard not to snicker to myself as I sat there with all those younger kids (I have nothing against younger kids; I'd hang out with them. I just think it's funny to learn with them). Our teacher is tiny and short, but she is hardcore. No lateness, no phones, no music, no disrespecting, and so on and so fourth. Very fun.
After that was lunch - same ol', same ol'.
Then right after lunch I fought through the crowds to get to the theatre, where I started film and TV studies! Woohoo! I'm extremely pumped about that one. There's a heap of kids in the class, and I'm pretty stoked to get to know everybody better.
After film and TV I had biology. It felt weird to go to class from the theatre instead of going home (like last semester). Again, lots of terms that I didn't know 100%, but neither did a bunch of other kids, so I feel fine again.

This is my learning face. 
It helps me learn. 

Tuesday 24 January 2012


I'm officially finished my first semester EVER of public school! Hooray!! I did it. Tada!

I got an A overall in my math - I think that means I got all A's. That's funny!
In art I just hung around, again. I did that a lot in that class. SO glad it's over. Not going to miss it any.
In English everybody finished off their projects, and they were good, for the most part!
In math we had our final unit test! I went and asked him after school how I did, and he told me I got an A and gave me a fist bump. Favorite teacher, right there.
In acting we did our final project! It went pretty darn well, I'd say. EXCEPT for the fact that yesterday one of the girls took it upon herself to direct, and costar. She has a reputation for changing things day before project deadlines / performances. We humored her, and then today came along. She wasn't even there. She had an audition or something, and took the wrong bus coming back. We were all really mad, but we just went on without her. She got a zero for that performance, so that's enough just deserts.

School starts again on the 30th! I have Socials, biology, film and TV, and Math 10 foundations. I already have my math 10 credit - now I'm just bettering myself.

Monday 23 January 2012


More orals in English... pretest in math... I bummed around during spare. In acting we kept working on our final project, and we made some pretty decent headway. Now it's nice out and I want to go on a motorbike ride.
Semester ends tomorrow!

Thursday 19 January 2012

Eighty One

It feels a bit like I'm in captivity, doesn't it?
"Day three hundred and four in the barren wasteland." Haha.

I finished my painting in art! Then a girl dumped her water beside me, but I shrieked and got it out of the way, and my leg out from under the water, all before it actually hit the table, somehow - which is pretty cool, considering the water was in a margarine bucket. Speedy.
I did my oral presentation in English! I think I went a bit over time, because one of my links didn't quite work, but all in all I think I did pretty alright. He's gonna give me feedback tomorrow. I did Edgar Allen Poe. I know so much about that guy. More than it would ever be necessary to know, my goodness.

That's about it. Got candy in math class.

Wednesday 18 January 2012


Wow! Eighty days of classes!

In art yesterday, even though the teacher had been watching me paint for two days already, she came up to me and told me I was using the wrong paint - as she has now had to tell everybody, because she didn't explain to us that the paint we used for our previews wasn't the paint we would use for the real thing. For some reason. The layering isn't going very nice now for me, because of the wrong paint underneath (I had had my whole background done). Thanks for that, lady. ... I've managed to fix most of the error, but it still comes up and blends wrong in some places.
In English we have our World Lit Presentation tomorrow! I didn't know that. Woohoo! I need cue cards, then I think I'll be alright. we just revised a bunch today. I also have an essay to glance over. I have a lot of homework, I've suddenly realized.
In math we learned about credit cards and the interest and stuff like that... essentials. Like it says.

During my spare I hung with friends that I see but don't always hang out with - so it was good to see them! The guy, Tom, kept singing hilarious and catchy songs, and they're in my head now. But it's alright, because he can sing; he's in the band Tommy Alto.
In acting we saw some performances. We did ours yesterday and it went really well. We also started brainstorming ideas for our next big project. The big final project! We only have a total of three hours to get it all up (two and a half, now).
