Monday 20 February 2012

Día Noventa y Siete (that's in Spanish)

On Friday I couldn't write, because as soon as I got home my ride was ready to take me to Big White for the weekend. As I rushed around my room, my elbow caught an open container of candy hearts, and KABLAMMO, all over my floor. I had no time to clean them up - but when I got home they were all put away. Yay! So the weekend was really fun. We snow tubed and skated the first day. There was a guy at the top of one of the tube hills that we kept going to, because he spun the hardest. He kept making us sing or dance if we wanted a spin, then on our last run I was sitting in the tube, and my friend kept throwing snow in my face. I told her to stop (but I was laughing, so it wasn't very forceful), and all of a sudden the snowboard guy leaned down and said, 'Know what's worse?' and dumped the whole mountain down the back of my coat. It was very chilly, then wet. The next day we went snowshoeing, me (for the first time) and a bunch of others! We did about 5 kilometres, and we even did a black trail by mistake (green is easy, then red, then blue, then black) - but we all survived: some of us more than others. On the way home from the mountain, one of the tires of the van I was in blew up, so we pulled to the side and got it changed. Then about five minutes of driving and the spare blew up, so we pulled into a Triple O's and waited for somebody to come get us. It was hilarious and fun.

Today in school... we had a socials test! Cake. Then in math we did some stuff as well - always good to do stuff. Had a Kiva meeting at lunch! In film we watched the stuff we filmed on Friday, and gave ourselves feedback and stuff - ours was okay! It was pretty dark, but our shots all lined up really well, which was the whole point. In bio we did a review for our test tomorrow. On one side there was Karter sitting, on T3's because he got teeth pulled, so he was a bit loopy and unfocused. On the other side was Matthew, who was getting the flu / a fever, so he was totally loopy as well. For about the first twenty minutes we were all working decently. Then Matthew started staring into space and thinking about the core of the Earth, and Karter started trying to bribe me with a brownie in exchange for copying answers. I was still workin' away. When there was about forty-five minutes left, they both gave up and instead entertained themselves by pulling on my cheeks, blowing on my head, shuffling my papers, poking me, and stuff like that. I thought it was hilarious, and somehow I managed to keep working throughout the whole class. I'm just that great (PLUS they both have to do about three pages of work by tomorrow. So there).

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you went snowshoeing! That is very cool.

    And ba ha ha, thinking about the core of the do you put up with those morons?
