Wednesday 1 February 2012

Day Eighty-Six

I got 24 of 24 on my safety quiz in bio. I guess that's probably the main one I wouldn't want to fail. We conducted a cute little experiment too, just to get us on track with how to record everything. She told us that when we dissect a squid later on, we get to make calamari. Worst time ever to be a vegetarian: I loved calamari. Math today was even more confusing (still in review, people!); I got 24 of 38. That's 63% - which is still a pass, I might add. I think I'll just be content with getting a passing grade, if that's possible, because I heard that even a really low grade in foundations is better than an A in Apprenticeship and Workplace. So there you go. Today in socials I didn't know the governor general's name in a pop quiz, so I named him John (most common name out there = worth a try). In Film and TV we just played some more theatre games, but we actually started working on some tableaux as well (but they're not called tableaux in theatre. They have some fancy name). Film and TV is my favorite class.

During spare a bunch of us helped decorate a locker with love-y heart paraphernalia for Valentimes day. At lunch we had another kiva meeting! When we start to put up posters, we're actually going to mass produce sticky-notes that say 'KIVA - EMS Kiva' or something, just to get people really wondering what's up - then there will be bigger posters in the commons area explaining things.
On my way to the Kiva meeting, I was running because I had to go back to the school for something and didn't want to be late. As I ran, one of my friends saw me and stopped right in my path, and went into one of those 'crouch ready to spring' poses. I thought he was just going to get in my way so I sort of sidestepped, then he jumped forward and threw me over his shoulder and started running with me to the portable. When he put me down he grabbed my shoulders and said, "Eye of the tiger, Meadow! Eye of the tiger," then ran off. After bio I was walking to my locker (walking is the fastest the hallways will allow), and I saw a kid from Film and TV walking with one of his friends. When they were beside me I was about to smile, but then his friend lunged forward and made a screaming-inhale sort of noise right in my face, and I shrieked. It made me laugh.
As I was leaving school I stopped to talk to a friend, but I was standing off the sidewalk, and suddenly there was a bus trying to park where I was standing. So I got back on the sidewalk in a hurry, but bumped into some kid. I said sorry, but then I overcompensated in the other direction and bumped into another kid. Ha!

I get a haircut tomorrow.

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