Tuesday 31 January 2012

Day Eighty-Five

I hurt my thumb. I poked it too hard with the end of a sharp thing, and now it hurts whenever I touch anything with it.

I think I failed my first socials quiz! I got two of five right on the beginning, then I got all three bonus questions right. So that's ok - I don't even mind. Let's see... In math we had a sub, and we did a 'review' thing, and let me tell you - most of the review stuff from grade nine, we didn't even learn in the A&W math 11! But I think I did relatively okay. I had to do some guess work though, as well. During lunch I ate some stir fry. There's people selling flower grams for Valentine's Day during lunch now! It's going to be cute, seeing everybody running around to the period 2 classes and delivering flowers. In film and TV all we did was play ice breaker games, because we had a sub. We did charades, and my team really lost, because we got ones like 'Sin Nombre,' and freaking... other hard ones. But even with all the hard ones, a guy on my team still guessed, 'The Legend of the Drunken Master,' and some other hard one where the person kills somebody with one of those sharp sticks that they made... you know... those ones that you make in prison? You see why I can't remember what it was called. And then in bio we did some stuff - not as difficult as yesterday. Tomorrow we have a safety quiz.


  1. It's a shiv! don't ask me how I know!

  2. Or a shank. Which was the answer she was looking for.

    Safety quiz, eh? Hopefully they teach you about whacking your fingers while in class.
