Tuesday 10 January 2012


In art we started an abstract project. She encouraged us to 'try' things and not be intimidated, but she's said stuff like that before - so we'll see if our experiments are good enough.
Workin' on the essay still! But now we're also reading The Importance of Being Ernest. It's pretty short - just three acts.
I think we have a math test tomorrow. The final 'exam' for the whole course, I believe.
Went to Starbucks!

Did some improv in acting. My character is nine, and I got partnered with the 'Bogey Man,' so... that was fun.

Bright flash!


  1. Cool shot. makes you look older! Just sayin'!

  2. Do you remember when I played Lady Bracknell in Importance of Being Ernest? Such a funny play!
