Thursday 12 January 2012


I realized I didn't really talk about Kiva at all - this is me failing.
Kiva is this online site that allows people like US to provide loans to people in third world countries and stuff. It's a really cool system! The minimum loan amount is $25. You get to pick who you lend money to, and read all about their story (usually it's people who want to start a business so they can become self-sufficient). After a while they'll get the amount they need (it' usually no more than $600), and when they're able, they pay you back! So if you invest, let's say four different $25 loans, when they pay you back you can just keep circulating that $100 to other people! My family has been doing Kiva for about five years now!

Math made me want to cry today. Blah.
We did our dress rehearsals today in acting. Ours went fine!
AND I got my school hoodie today! They were giving them out yesterday, but I had to be in the Kiva meeting so I didn't get mine. Then a councillor asked me if I was Meadow when I walked by, then told me the guys had put all the unclaimed hoodies in the office, so I got it! Woohoo!


  1. Ah yes! I have heard of Kiva before! cool! Nice hoody! What's with the math crying?

  2. LOVE the hoodie!! And I am so proud of you for working Kiva at the school!
