Monday 30 January 2012

Day Eighty-Four Second Semester Day One!

Wow. I'm pretty sure there's more kids this semester than last semester. I know that's silly... but those hallways were solid walls today.
I started with socials! Our teacher seems like she'll take no guff, which is always good to see in a teacher; it's a huge step up from my last first block teacher, man. She uses words that everybody learned in grade 7, 8, and 9, but "technically" I skipped all those grades, so the terms aren't as engrained in my head as some of the other kids. That's alright though. She also wants to start a breakfast / snack club every Friday. I think that's an unbelievably good idea. Partners would bring a breakfasty snack thing for the class once every month, and then we would eat it. Pretty straight forward.
After socials I had my spare - it's in second block now. I actually know a bunch of people in it, including Margo, so that's good. She probably won't come everyday though, because she doesn't start school until third block: why would she come early?
After that I had my math 10. I found it hard not to snicker to myself as I sat there with all those younger kids (I have nothing against younger kids; I'd hang out with them. I just think it's funny to learn with them). Our teacher is tiny and short, but she is hardcore. No lateness, no phones, no music, no disrespecting, and so on and so fourth. Very fun.
After that was lunch - same ol', same ol'.
Then right after lunch I fought through the crowds to get to the theatre, where I started film and TV studies! Woohoo! I'm extremely pumped about that one. There's a heap of kids in the class, and I'm pretty stoked to get to know everybody better.
After film and TV I had biology. It felt weird to go to class from the theatre instead of going home (like last semester). Again, lots of terms that I didn't know 100%, but neither did a bunch of other kids, so I feel fine again.

This is my learning face. 
It helps me learn. 


  1. Yay, new semester!! I can't wait to see the learning.

  2. Awesome! sounds like a fun semester!
