Wednesday 29 February 2012


So I got a tattoo yesterday! At school today, if I was walking with somebody we had to go slow, because I had to stop every ten seconds and show somebody. I'm soooo excited about it - it looks just like what I wanted it to!
Let's see... we have a vocab quiz in socials tomorrow - eww. In spare I showed people my back. In math we had a pretest that I aced. During lunch I showed people my back and ate a sammich. During film we edited! I think our's is going to be decent. On the way to class I showed people my back. During bio we did some more evolution.
I just noticed that film and bio are the only two classes I have in a row. That's nice. Socials, spare, math, lunch, film, bio. ... Decent!

Monday 27 February 2012

Day One-Hundred and Two

The names are getting larger ad harder to write. I had ate a foldy.

I can't remember what we did in socials today because it was so long ago, but I aced the pop quiz. We got our marks that we're getting so far in the class (and it's on a 25% base), and I had a pretty decent score, so woohoo! During spare there was supposed to be a fire drill but it was cancelled, and I was supposed to go help the theatre / art chick paint some stuff for the musical but I forgot. In math we did some learning with numbers and stuff - our test is on Friday. I had the most delicious leftover soup for lunch, oh my goodness. It was all... orzo and beets and kale.... So good. In film we filmed some more, but we actually only got one shot done, because we had none of the props we needed and stuff. It's going to be tough to get the props and stuff by tomorrow.. uh. Today I also had my biology buddy boys back, so I wasn't lonely! Hooray! We got into big discussions, and barely finished in time for the day to be over.

Friday 24 February 2012

School 101

Ha, see what I did with the name there?

Today in socials we looked at nasty pictures of people with trench mouth and foot. Pretty darn eww. On Monday during my spare I'm going to help paint more stuff for the musical, because I'm good enough that she asked me to do it again - yes that's right. In math I got todays and yesterdays homework done, so I have a none-math weekend! In film we started filming! For one scene I had to run out of a classroom to "throw up." Well, I did such a good job that as I ran out (they were filming) with my hand over my mouth, two teachers stopped and looked very concerned. We're keeping that in the final project. For the next scene I had to run to a garbage can and "throw up." After I did, the janitor walked by and was all, 'So you threw up in there?' and I had to explain, again. Then we had me eating dill pickle chips and a cookie, because we couldn't get pickles and ice cream - it actually just tasted so bad, and I like nasty things! One of the other groups has huge amounts of fake blood. Every teacher's blood pressure is probably going to be through the roof by the end of this project. In bio I got notes for Karter and Matthew, because they both weren't there. Matthew is rocking a fever of 104, and Karter had to leave early. We learned all about Cassowaries! Coolest bird ever.

I was going up to my locker before bio, and just when I got to the top of the stairs there was a guy about to come down. We did the left, right, left thing, then we both sort of walked forward (assuming the other was going to go the other way), and we bumped right into each other. We started laughing and apologizing, and I thought it was funny enough to write about. The end.

Thursday 23 February 2012


Tadaaaah! Today is my 100th day of public school ever in my life. Whoaaa.
We had course selection today - we didn't actually pick anything, they just gave us the low down so we know what's going on. During spare a bunch of the guys were playing man hunt, it was fun to watch. Let's see... we got our shot list finished in film! I think we begin shooting tomorrow. In biology we learned some stuff, and I'm not sure if I'm doing it right - so my homework is on hold until tomorrow. I'm gonna try to find a friend who knows what it is, and then see if I can get it done!
I had a nap when I got home from school; naps are amazing. You know that moment between awake and asleep where you can hear stuff but can't do anything about it? I heard my door open, and my mum said, "No, you have to go in," And my dad replied with, "I'm not going in there! No way!" So that was funny, too. I'm giving blood on Saturday! Woo!

FYI - I definitely got a scar from one of my "adoring fans"! Fan mail! First ever in my life. This is a big deal.
Don't be hatin' on the pose. It was required.

Wednesday 22 February 2012


Tomorrow is 100 whole days of public school in my life!

In socials I got a really rich brownie, and a cuppycake. I'm pretty darn pumped about that, actually. I ate half the brownie, then shared. I ate all the cuppycake (but I scraped off most of the icing. Because it was actually inches off the cake) after my lunch. In spare I walked home to get my forgotten lunch. Tomorrow during math admin are going to come around and give all the grade elevens their course selection papers - I think there's five of us in that class. I know what I want to take next semester, mostly. So that's good! I can still switch everything if I change my mind later. In film we finished our story, then started work on our shot list. For a while there we were going to have me be pregnant with an alien fetus baby, and go with that. But we changed our mind's. In biology we talked about cancer. I hate talking about cancer, because now I'm paranoid that I have it and am not gonna know about it! There's cancer, heart disease, and lung disease on both sides of my family. Spiffy.

David Bowie!

Tuesday 21 February 2012


Today in Socials she counted up the stickers we all got for the bonus questions she asked each day, and I had the most, so tomorrow I get a prize. Then we had some time left in class so she gave us a quiz and said the first one to get it done would win a prize, and I got mine done first. Yea - two prizes tomorrow.

I'm actually that kid.

Monday 20 February 2012

Día Noventa y Siete (that's in Spanish)

On Friday I couldn't write, because as soon as I got home my ride was ready to take me to Big White for the weekend. As I rushed around my room, my elbow caught an open container of candy hearts, and KABLAMMO, all over my floor. I had no time to clean them up - but when I got home they were all put away. Yay! So the weekend was really fun. We snow tubed and skated the first day. There was a guy at the top of one of the tube hills that we kept going to, because he spun the hardest. He kept making us sing or dance if we wanted a spin, then on our last run I was sitting in the tube, and my friend kept throwing snow in my face. I told her to stop (but I was laughing, so it wasn't very forceful), and all of a sudden the snowboard guy leaned down and said, 'Know what's worse?' and dumped the whole mountain down the back of my coat. It was very chilly, then wet. The next day we went snowshoeing, me (for the first time) and a bunch of others! We did about 5 kilometres, and we even did a black trail by mistake (green is easy, then red, then blue, then black) - but we all survived: some of us more than others. On the way home from the mountain, one of the tires of the van I was in blew up, so we pulled to the side and got it changed. Then about five minutes of driving and the spare blew up, so we pulled into a Triple O's and waited for somebody to come get us. It was hilarious and fun.

Today in school... we had a socials test! Cake. Then in math we did some stuff as well - always good to do stuff. Had a Kiva meeting at lunch! In film we watched the stuff we filmed on Friday, and gave ourselves feedback and stuff - ours was okay! It was pretty dark, but our shots all lined up really well, which was the whole point. In bio we did a review for our test tomorrow. On one side there was Karter sitting, on T3's because he got teeth pulled, so he was a bit loopy and unfocused. On the other side was Matthew, who was getting the flu / a fever, so he was totally loopy as well. For about the first twenty minutes we were all working decently. Then Matthew started staring into space and thinking about the core of the Earth, and Karter started trying to bribe me with a brownie in exchange for copying answers. I was still workin' away. When there was about forty-five minutes left, they both gave up and instead entertained themselves by pulling on my cheeks, blowing on my head, shuffling my papers, poking me, and stuff like that. I thought it was hilarious, and somehow I managed to keep working throughout the whole class. I'm just that great (PLUS they both have to do about three pages of work by tomorrow. So there).

Thursday 16 February 2012



Does it make me a nerd if I'm looking forward to doing my bio homework?

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Day Ninety-Five

I'm eating a Reese peanut butter heart - ohhh my goodness.

This morning I was having one of those 'wake up a bunch of times but don't really wake up and still have hours to sleep,' sort of mornings. During one of those wake ups, I heard my mum in the kitchen, and I figured it was pretty early for her to be up, so I checked my alarm clock. It said 5:15 AM, so I was about to go back to sleep, but then I checked my phone, and IT said 7:15 AM. Turns out the power went out and my alarm didn't go - faaantastic. I still wasn't late for class though! I'm pretty super.
 It was too hot in math today - the teacher laughed and said it was probably all the grade eights in the class before ours. They just breath too much! Too much carbon dioxide. Just stop.
In film we saw all of the storyboards that we did yesterday, and then we broke into groups and decided on which one to shoot. I'm pumped about the group I'm in, because two of them are super good to work with - the other one is... able to be worked with, we'll say. We're not doing my story, but the one that we are doing is really good!
This chocolate is delicious.
While the whole class was in a circle, one kid kept copying me - apparently I sit really straight, and move my shoulders back and fourth. I tried to stop, but then I'd forget really fast and I'd see him start doing it again and I'd laugh and try to stop again. It was all fun times.
Tomorrow we'll be watching our scavenger hunt videos. My group is boss. No big deal.

Tuesday 14 February 2012


Happy Valentimes day!!! My hand got decorated in bio.

Yup! I gave everybody those little conversation hearts that nobody really likes, but everybody eats on Valentimes day. It's just a thing to do. I left some on every locker in one of the hallways, too! Matthew and I also drew on the chalkboard after bio with one of them - it worked. And it erased. In film we had a scavenger hunt! We were all broken into groups, and one of the things we had to do was a dollying shot of the people in our group. We did it in two takes, with two kids standing there, then another kid pushing the camera guy on one of those chair dollies. It was hilarious, because that's not what our teacher meant. But use what you have, right? She said we could use skateboard or a longboard, so why not be a bit more legit about it? I got a flower gram from good ol' anonymous!!!!! It actually smells so good. I got a Reese peanut butter heart from my dad, too - so good.
For film we have to write a story tonight! We have to work out our shots and plots, and I think we have to storyboard it as well. I'm pumped - I love story boarding (how often do you read THAT?).

Monday 13 February 2012

Day Ninety-Three

We had a pro D day on Friday - so technically I didn't forget to write.

Today in socials we did a writing assignment on human rights, and watched a video that made me mad at every person who hurts another person. I drank chocolate milk during my spare. In math we did some stuff - I have a lot of homework though, and it was too hot in the class room today. During lunch we had a Kiva meeting, but we didn't talk about anything. In film we did some short five shot scenes but with just a fake camera. At one point she used me and another kid for a demonstration, and at the end I was supposed to think of a snappy comeback to say to the friend that was accusing me of stealing his cat. For some totally unknown reason, I said, 'Just because it's true you don't need to say it!' and ran off. Pretty sure the laughing was at, not with. It wasn't funny or snappy, but that's completely ok! It made it realistic - I don't think I've ever had a snappy comeback at the time I've needed one. I always think of one after. During bio Karter wasn't there so it was just me and Matthew at the microscope. We drew some stuff, and calculated some stuff.

I just ate bread with honey.

Thursday 9 February 2012

The Day of Ninety-Two

Today we had a socials test - thing. I did fantastic (I'm assuming. Because... it's me we're talking about. After all). I ate crackers, avocado and cucumbers, and drank water during spare - it was a ticket to delicious town. During bio I was one of the five who knew what we were supposed to do. AHA!

I was going to do some foot-pose thing with my foot, but I got a leg cramp before it took the picture.

Wednesday 8 February 2012


Nutella and peanut butter sammich.

During lunch today I couldn't find anybody for a while, so I wandered until I did. Somebody gave me some girl guide cookies - those were delicious.
In bio we used our microscopes, and since my partners and I were really fast, we just started looking at other stuff. We looked at pieces of our hair - mine was really gross and had a bump on it or something. We decided that the bump could have been the gel. We looked at a fuzz from my shirt, and then we had the other kid pick his fingernail, and we looked at that - it was really gross and cool looking. He needs to clean his fingernails more.

Now it's homework time.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Day Ninety.

I think I'll have a 'one hundred days in public school,' party for myself in ten days. I think I'll wear a party hat that'll be recycled from my birthday. I think that would be appropriate.

TODAY in socials we finished our note booklet, and learned about the political parties and kinda where they stand. The Green Party is definitely the only party I would consider voting for. Ever. In a million years. Let's see... during my spare I did homework and ate a granola bar. And some of my friends' food stuffs. In math we did some happy things, and now I sit next to a girl named Mercury. Mercury and Meadow. We could be a superhero duo. During lunch I sat with some of my friends while they were selling shirts to raise awareness for 'Anti-bullying day,' but then I got bored of that and wandered around for a while! In film we analyzed Millions, then tried to count shot changes in sword fight scenes from the Princess Bride, and Pirates 1. It's really funny how the mind notices shot and angle changes, but doesn't necessarily register it if it's going by really quickly. During that class I had to leave for a sec to run up to my locker to get my mum a key for the house, because her purse got stolen! ... woohooo! We changed the locks so no axe murderers would come and slit our throats while we slept. On the up side, my new key is a Canucks key - yay! In Bio we also did some things. Tomorrow is our first (my first ever) lab!

I tried to do the crackers challenge - the one where you eat six in a minute. They say it's impossible, but I  thought my chewing skills were better. I only got four and a half. Doh!

Monday 6 February 2012

Day Eighty-Nine

School! Everything went decent today - I didn't wanna cry, pass out, OR burn anything all day. So that was good. I have lots of homework though... we finished Millions in film and TV - it was cute! I was scared that it was going to have a sad ending for a second there. In biology we did an exercise, and I thought for sure my group was using kidney beans, but they were lima beans. Doh.

Now it's motorbike time with my dad! I have an eye exam today. Ahhhhh.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Eighty-Eight a Day Late

I had my birthday party yesterday - woohoo! We watched Shaun of the Dead. Dada! In school I darnk tea, and basically understood everything in everything. We started watching Millions in film and TV. I've seen it before, but I forget how it ends. The main boy is SO CUTE! He's just adorable and British and just little and aww!

This is what my hair looks like after a shower when the hair stylist HASN'T styled it.

Thursday 2 February 2012



School was tiring today - guh. So tiring and difficult. I barely understood bio today, but I got my homework done. Whether it's right or not is unknown. I understood math today - so that's good. Tomorrow my socials teacher said she's bringing a kettle for tea. I'm totally bringing a mug.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Day Eighty-Six

I got 24 of 24 on my safety quiz in bio. I guess that's probably the main one I wouldn't want to fail. We conducted a cute little experiment too, just to get us on track with how to record everything. She told us that when we dissect a squid later on, we get to make calamari. Worst time ever to be a vegetarian: I loved calamari. Math today was even more confusing (still in review, people!); I got 24 of 38. That's 63% - which is still a pass, I might add. I think I'll just be content with getting a passing grade, if that's possible, because I heard that even a really low grade in foundations is better than an A in Apprenticeship and Workplace. So there you go. Today in socials I didn't know the governor general's name in a pop quiz, so I named him John (most common name out there = worth a try). In Film and TV we just played some more theatre games, but we actually started working on some tableaux as well (but they're not called tableaux in theatre. They have some fancy name). Film and TV is my favorite class.

During spare a bunch of us helped decorate a locker with love-y heart paraphernalia for Valentimes day. At lunch we had another kiva meeting! When we start to put up posters, we're actually going to mass produce sticky-notes that say 'KIVA - EMS Kiva' or something, just to get people really wondering what's up - then there will be bigger posters in the commons area explaining things.
On my way to the Kiva meeting, I was running because I had to go back to the school for something and didn't want to be late. As I ran, one of my friends saw me and stopped right in my path, and went into one of those 'crouch ready to spring' poses. I thought he was just going to get in my way so I sort of sidestepped, then he jumped forward and threw me over his shoulder and started running with me to the portable. When he put me down he grabbed my shoulders and said, "Eye of the tiger, Meadow! Eye of the tiger," then ran off. After bio I was walking to my locker (walking is the fastest the hallways will allow), and I saw a kid from Film and TV walking with one of his friends. When they were beside me I was about to smile, but then his friend lunged forward and made a screaming-inhale sort of noise right in my face, and I shrieked. It made me laugh.
As I was leaving school I stopped to talk to a friend, but I was standing off the sidewalk, and suddenly there was a bus trying to park where I was standing. So I got back on the sidewalk in a hurry, but bumped into some kid. I said sorry, but then I overcompensated in the other direction and bumped into another kid. Ha!

I get a haircut tomorrow.