Friday 20 April 2012

Day one hundred twenty-six.

I have a math test AND a socials midterm on Monday. I'm not stressed. Today in math I leaned over to the friend behind me and said, "Sometimes this class makes me feel dumb," And the teacher heard and was like, 'Why would you say that when you're getting a B?" And then I felt bad for some reason. I'm starting to like the teacher a bit more. She's still terrifying, but I feel like she's relaxed a little bit. Also, she still wears her hair down since my friend and I complimented it.
We had a practice midterm in socials today. I only got a 68, but that was with no time for studying. This weekend we don't have the musical on Sunday, and we're only supposed to be there in the evening on Saturday, so I'll be able to study then. In film I helped another group film there's, and Karter helped another group. Cause we were the only one's that were done. I'm pretty sure people think of me as a try hard, which isn't a bad thing, but... I just don't jack around and I do stuff on time - meh. Karter was practicing fake punching my face. We freaked one kid out.
In bio we learned about jellyfish. So cool - the reason things 'sting' is because they have a little ol' sensory cell on em', and when the sensor gets pushed a little harpoon shoots out and sticks in you! If the prey is too big and can pull away, the harpoon is ripped off, but the jelly can grow a new one.
Then she let us go ten minutes early. Hoorayer!

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