Tuesday 24 April 2012

127, 128

I forgot to post yesterday. This is because I went to Karter's house. We watched our comedic and dramatic films yesterday - the teacher really liked them! So that's a good thing. Had a socials midterm. I got 79 out of 100 I think? Not too bad! I'm getting a B in socials, an A in both bio and film (in Bio I got a 96 on a test we did. YEA I did), and a C+ in math. Gahhh. But that's ok. I already have my math credits - I just need to keep pluggin' away and doing my best. In socials today we started learning about suburbia - I love pictures from the fifties. But I really can't wait for the 60s. The Endless Summer, Z Boys, the Beach Boys, and all that good stuff. In math today we started a new unit - whoopie doo. In film we were in the library studying / researching for our essay. I'm relatively sure I was the only one who actually did anything. Ha..ha... ahh. In bio we reviewed, then watched a movie where the cut up a camel. Tomorrow we get to finish it. A few people looked pretty grim, but I thought it was so cool! Camels have these floppy skin projections in their cheeks, so their cheeks chew as well! So cool!!

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