Tuesday 17 April 2012

122? No! 123!

Man. I am an unreliable kid, hey? Not posting here, not posting there... well anyway, yesterday I didn't get home until like ten thirty, and then all of my attention was on my homework.

Tomorrow in socials a guy is coming, and we all get to look at NAZI artifacts and stuff. Some medals, and maybe a helmet... stuff like that. I'm pretty excited! Even though WWII was a super terrible thing, I've always liked learning about and studying it. In spare I just did homework... it was rip roarin'. In math we had some handout things, and I got everything done! Yay! But.. I still have homework from other lessons that I haven't gotten totally finished yet. ... During lunch I studied again. I had a peanut butter and honey sammich on French bread, with a cucumber. It was mucho yummy! In film we were in the library researching for our big assignment. I chose CGI for mine, but now it's switched to the images / visual effects of old sci-fi movies versus now sci-fi movies. Because some of those really old sci-fimovies... hilarious. Anyway. In biology we had a quiz, and a sub! Everybody else talked the entire time, but I managed to get all my reading done. ... yaay. The sub was really funny, but I felt sort of bad for him - subs sometimes don't know if they can yell at the kids to tell them to be quiet, so they just try to laughingly tell them so. After school I watched the end of the rugby game. I don't know who we were playing or if we won, because I was only there for like five minutes, but it was good!
Now I'm going to help Karter review for the quiz he missed today. Cause I'm nice like that.

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