Wednesday 25 April 2012

Day One Twenty-Nine

Listening to some Blink 182...!! So good.

In socials we learned more stuff about the fifties. It's kind of a mushy blur. During spare I went home and swept my room and did laundry. In math we learned some more stuff, too. I understood it! For once! At lunch I was going to help Karter study, cause I'm cool like that, but we couldn't get his pages. I'm the one who has his missing tasks list. He is going to pass biology 11. During film we broke into groups for silent films and tossed ideas back and fourth. My group liked one of my ideas best, so we're going with it. We're doing a kid who doesn't know any answers to a final test, and just starts freaking out. It'll be funny! In biology we had a sub. We also had a test, and finished the dissecting a camel video. Then... well, firstly, the sub was pretty old. His voice was really monotone, and deep. He called one kid a youngster. I felt sort of bad for him, cause it's not the easiest class to take over. He didn't strike me as 'fragile-old' though - more like 'hardened military-old.' Then he started telling about the camels in Kuwait. ... then he started telling us about the 5% of Kuwaitis that have ruined the name for all the rest of them, because they're 'rich and spoiled.' Something about oil... then he said they ride motorbikes too fast and don't wear helmets. Then... he started telling us about this teacher lady that couldn't leave Kuwait. And... hmm.. Yea. Then at about 3:28, people started getting ready to leave, and he didn't want them to leave, because school wasn't technically out yet, but he sort of didn't say it loud enough, so a few people left. Then I felt bad again as I sat there.
It was mostly funny. But also slightly sad.

1 comment:

  1. You've captured the painful experience of watching a sub sink better than I've ever read it captured. Poor guy.
