Friday 9 March 2012

107 and 108!

I forgot to post yesterday, but that's because I was out of the swing of things. And I am fully prepared to be out of the swing of things for two weeks - Spring Break! Having no school for a while because of the strike was nice. Now... it's Spring Break. Sort of a silly place for a strike, but what are you gonna do? We watched a movie in biology today. It had Jude Law in it, and some guy I've never heard of but who was a good actor.
I got a for-real letter in the mail from a friend! That was nice. My tattoo is itchy, but it's looking a lot better! Today in socials we... let's see... we learned about the 1920s, and stuff that happened around then. In film we finished our 'ingredient' projects! I'm excited to see them when we get back from break (but not excited enough as to hope it comes quickly)! Did I mention that my tattoo was itchy?

Tattoo update!


  1. So...what happened in the 1920's?

  2. Snail mail is a highlight! Enjoy your Spring break.
