Friday 11 May 2012

139, 140!

Yesterday I went to Karter's with Mikayla after school to do homework before Duke of Earl back at the school in the evening, but we didn't actually do anything. Duke was great!! A bunch of the grade twelve guys sell tickets, then everybody goes and they put on skits and stuff - dresses, mocking teachers, bad jokes, etc etc. It was great! The stage crew was the muscliest guys in grade twelve, all wearing short shorts and oiled up. I wolf whistled quite a few times that evening - I won't lie. My friend Ben won! I was rooting for him. I even bought my ticket from him - so there.

Today we did an assignment in socials with the iPads, and I barely got it done in time. It was almost panic. We had to pick pictures that we felt related to certain aspects of the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, etc, and why we picked them. It was good. I managed to get a surfing picture in there AND make it relevant. I'm just that good. In film we kept editing. Our movie is basically done - we just need music now. The ending shot is brilliant and hardcore. I made it slow motion, and it's pretty rad. In bio we started a project, too. There was a bunch of different paths to choose, and the one we picked is gonna be sweet. For ours we're filming a quick movie. Basically, Karter is a squid, I'm a pirate, and Matthew is a news reporter, and Karter's pool is our main prop. He's using pool noodles for his tentacles.

And the best part? We're following the assignment instructions almost exactly.

Formal Friday? Necklace. Nuff' said.

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