Monday 7 May 2012

Day One Thirty-Six

Dissected a worm today! I liked it. I'm pretty sweet behind a scalpel and pair of tweezers. She asked what the 'scientific' term for tweezers was or whatever, and somebody said 'grabbers.' Haha... I love high school.
It was Monday today, and the 'thing' was the school colors. There was like... five of us dressed up. Bahaha. I miss tomorrow because of the field trip, but it's pyjama Tuesday. I'm pumped for the fieldin' trip. Anyway.
It's 18 outside, so I think I'm gonna go read or walk. Umm... we had a test in math. I got 18.5 out of 22. I've gotten it three times on different tests. A 19 is an 'A'. An 18.5 is a 'B'. ... hmmmmm.


  1. I never got more than a C in math, and look how smart I am! You are rocking this thing!
