Thursday 13 October 2011

Day Twenty-Six

My neck is sore and I have a no-sleep headache, and I'm totally stoked about it. I still can't even believe that I met them. Rise Against is now tied (or slightly higher?) than Blink-182 on my favoritest list. This is a very big deal.

In art we got more pictures out of magazines. I sorted through hundreds of National Geographic magazines, and I found four to use - success! By the end of class lately, I have paper cuts and very dry, ink stained fingers.
In English we wrote some papers and discussed our debates again. We decided that nobody won, because everybody's opinion is valid (that's basically the school version of 'everybody is a winner!').
In math we mathed. It was funny: we were broken into partners, and while we were doing it two other guys came up to us and were like, 'We're joining you guys,' and, 'You're so lucky you got Meadow!' I find this funny. They only like me for my math skills (pfffft)!
In spare there was this girl who walked down the middle of the deck (apparently it's not a cafeteria) wiping tears away but not crying anymore, and going very slowly, but she carried on so nobody did anything. She went outside, so whatever - she was just going to a class. Then she came back in about ten minutes before spare ended, and she was going way slower, and now crying again. My two friends and I agreed on two options: something happened and she was blowing it way out of proportion and wanted comforting, or she could have just wanted attention (which we sort of thought, judging by the fact that she somehow managed to walk by groups of guys every time). I went over and was like 'Hey bro, are you alright?' and she had a friend beside her by now, but she didn't answer. She was staring off in front of herself all dazed. A teacher waved his hand in front of her face and she 'didn't see it', so then he finally got her to nod that she wanted the councillor. So then I decided that it was either the two options we originally thought, or that she had gotten a text that her entire family had been killed and she was in shock - kinda hard to read blank faces and eyes.
In acting we did our dress rehearsal, so we know what we need to work on.

1 comment:

  1. 'everybody is a winner" ~ made me lol. 'You're so lucky you got Meadow!" ~ made me smile! 'hey bro, are you alright?' ~ made smile and lol at the same time. smile because you took the time to care and actually ask her and LOL because she's a girl and you called her 'bro'. your dad calls me Dude and i have to remind him that I am not in fact male! LOl Great post. So excited for you (and a little jealous) about the whole Rise Against back stage pass! Awesome!!!! Keep blogging! I'm enjoying it!
