Thursday 27 October 2011

Day Thirty-Five

Today in art I started sticking my pictures to my paper! They're all foldy and not working - but then I put heavy books on it and left it for about fifteen minutes (we use very advanced art techniques in that class) and it seemed ok. I started doing my black charcoal background, but she said to use a marker. But the marker didn't even work how I wanted it to, so then she suggested paint. The only reason I can't use charcoal is because it will mess up the other kids' crap. That's a good enough reason for me, I guess, but I know for a fact that none of the other kids in that class would care if they got charcoal smudges on other people's stuff when the work was transported to the museum. My art class is meaner / more misbehaved than my apprenticeship and workplace math class. So, what about that?
In English we started Macbeth! Well not actually. We started the process of starting Macbeth. I yelled at a kid who kept taking my toque. We did our work. We chatted and laughed. English is a pretty fun class to go to. I have English homework! Act 1 of Macbeth, yeehaw.
In math we didn't have math - we went to the theatre for a presentation that a guy was giving on social networking! What was his name... Jesse Miller I think. He showed us how easily he could track people, even if they had private settings, and how we should be careful about what we post, and how it's always going to be there if we post it, and on and on. It was really cool! Then he pulled up some profiles of some of the kids at school, who he wasn't friends with but somehow got onto their profile (how fun would that be, eh? Get payed to creep peoples pages so actual creeps couldn't). He opened my friend Margo's page in a new tab, and I'm in her profile picture, but he didn't actually bring it on the big screen - he used somebody else. It was really interesting! I really liked him.
During lunch I was having my friends throw stuff into the air then I would stand across the hallway and try to catch it. I did pretty well. In spare we played hangman for most of it. Then this one kid brought us Reese cups, which was just fine.
In acting we wrote character biographies for the characters in our monologues. Very fun business. We were supposed to see one groups movement project (because that's right. They haven't done it yet), but there were people missing from the group AGAIN. Honestly, it's so irritating. They weren't even in my group, and I'm PO'd at them. One was 'sick,' and the other was 'playing card games with seniors.' We have one of them in our project that we're working on now, and she has been moved to a very minor part. We all decided that if she wasn't there the day we performed it, we wouldn't hold up even one day for her - we're just gonna do it.


  1. somebody kept taking your toque,hey???? hmmmmmm interesting........

  2. Do you remember studying Macbeth in homeschool when you were younger? I should find the pictures you drew. Macbeth in bed, dreaming of blood, Macbeth's wife with a bloody knife...very normal pictures for a young girl to be drawing. BA ha ha ha!!! I'm sure the story will seem quite familiar to you, it's in the recesses of your memory somewhere....
