Tuesday 25 October 2011

Day Thirty-Three!

I finished my rough draft in art, which puts me ahead of everybody else in the class right now. We also got to take our pictures home today! Hooray!
In English I added a really cool last-minute touch to my project, and handed that in as well.
In math I sat all alone because my math buddy was gone! But that's ok, because me and the kid on the other end of the room from me had a fun time.
During spare we walked to the bakery AGAIN (my goodness), and I didn't get anything, but since my one friend works there, and her mum owns it, she got a paper bag full of broken gingerbread skeletons. I tried one, and oh my goodness, I had to have a full one. It was soo... not like any other gingerbread cookie I've had before. It was chocolate/gingerbread, and it wasn't crunchy OR chewy, it was like... puffy. Oh, it was so good. Then I gave the rest to one of my little buddies at the end of spare.
During acting we worked some more on our project, and played a bunch of games because we had a sub. Fun times!


  1. You realize that you have only ever been in public school for like a month, and you are already having more fun than some kids EVER do? You are rocking this experience, Kid!

  2. how did I miss this post??? cool picture!!! I like!
