Thursday 20 October 2011

Day Thirty-One

Cheesey bread and apple juice from the carton (technically it's not that bad. I'm getting my fruit, my dairy, AND my carbs! Tada!).

In art we got a thicker medium today, and it spread a lot like peanut butter - so our first pictures should be ready soon.
Between art and English my dad biked like a maniac to bring me some poster board, hooray! In English we all continued work on our projects, but then - kablammo! The speaker went on but it was all crackly and we couldn't hear, but then we got a snippet of a news-guy voice saying, 'The biggest earthquake in Canadian history,' and the teacher's like, 'Under the desks!' and everybody dived, and I thought everybody was gonna DIE. But then it turned out to be a drill. Not even funny. They made it very realistic though, so that was good. I was terrified. I've never had one of those before, either. But I'm prepared for Monday now. I think we're having a code red drill, which is a gun-sighted, or a serial killer or something. I'll be ready (I'll probably forget)!
I'm eating the crispest cucumber in the world as I type this, my goodness.
In math we did a test, and I don't feel super confident about it, but nobody did by the looks on everybody's faces.
I've been kindly-bugging this one girl about the food she makes in foods class but never brings me. I'm always ragging on her, but always jokingly. Today as spare started, I felt a tap on my shoulder and she handed me a WARM cinnamon bun. Oh my goodness. I printed off some pictures I needed for my English project in the computer area - they let you use everything for free!
In acting we kept work on our creepy project. Ours went from mildly freaky to amazingly chilling in about five minutes as all of our ideas pooled together in one gloriously terrifying final moment.
After school we had rehearsal, and it's coming along nicely! I go for a sleepover tonight. I think we're watching the Titanic.


  1. now I want a cucumber. good thing I have some. scary drills. Only ever had fire ones and they were bad enough!

  2. I have NEVER had an earthquake drill! Or a sniper drill. Wow. You are so prepared now!
