Thursday 13 October 2011

Day Twenty-Five

I have to wake up in four hours. Rise Against was AMAZING! They're actually just the nicest guys you could ever have the pleasure of meeting. The concert was awesome - we stood on the stage the whole time (Zach (guitarist) made sure of that. He kept making sure we could see and were having a good time)! Oh my goodness, Rise Against is heavily rivaling Blink-182 for my top spot right now. They're just such nice guys who love their families, who are willing to pose for a picture. When we talked to them, they didn't act in the 'classic rock star' way even one time: such friendly people.
And it is very safe to say that Zach is my favorite living guitarist.

School was school. We had a debate in English which was really good. I really like debating. I think our side won.

1 comment:

  1. i was so pleased about their humble attitudes. Real people, real artists...none of that Axle Rose 'tude!
