Wednesday 19 October 2011

Day Thirty!

We had a fire drill today in first block! I was right beside the bell when it went off, so I freaked out. After we were back inside we kept doing our pictures.
In English we started our final big project thing. Pretty sweet, actually. I've decided to do a visual representation discussing the question of animals living in relative harmony with humans, and if it can be done. I'm gunna draw some purdy pictures.
In math we had a pre-test, I think it was? Something like that. Then since I have no homework, I just chilled for the last half hour of class while everybody else did their work.
Spare was brutally boring today - it's the lamest part of the school day, which is pretty sweet! I was also just really tired, so that could have been a big factor in the lame-o-meter scale being so high.
In acting we started a big group project with the focus on voice! We're in our groups now, and we have our story picked out, or close to it.
In one-act rehearsal we started blocking the first bit of the scene! It's going good. I'm already pretty comfortable with my lines, so I'm confident. Hurrah!

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