Tuesday 1 November 2011

Day Thirty-Eight

Today was just grand, minus the costumes - but I guess that's pretty average for a not Halloween day.

In art I finished up my project! My background is black, and then I have gray circles going around to 'draw the eye through the picture,' and the reason they're there is because my Grandad smoked a lot (it's why he died, after all!). I have one memory of my Grandad and I - just the one. I was sitting on his lap watching Yogi Bear, and he was smoking a big cigar. I remember the smell, the smoke on the ceiling, and I remember thinking, 'Wow! Gran lets him smoke in the house!' But apparently my Grandad stopped smoking years before I was born - but I don't think so (the only memory I have of the man is probably not about him at all - I'm aloud to be stubborn, haha!)!
In English we kept up work on our project. My group and I are going to do a Jeopardy game for the class, because we're supposed to have a big discussion. We're going to start by acting out a few bits of our act, then ending with the Jeopardy game (we're hoping it won't be finished when class is over, because then we can say, 'Oh! Sorry folks - that's the end of the game for today!' Just like whatshisface does).
In math I had everything done before I got there, so I just chilled. Then we did an activity involving asking a bunch of students questions again, so I hurried the kid beside me (hurrying = helping), and we went out and were back before anybody else had left yet, so we played hangman. That game's making a comeback or something.
During lunch I chilled with kids I hadn't hung out with before and it was good.
My friend Margo can't hang out with me in spare anymore, because apparently she isn't getting good grades and her parents have put her on 'lock-down,' which means being in the library for the whole spare. It'll be good, though, cause she's too smart to be doing badly! I finished up a test that our math teacher wanted us all do redo, then as I was passing by my locker, one of the guys from English patted my back as I went by. Then later one of my friends pulled a sticky-note off my back that said something not nice (but not not-nice enough to be mean, just funny). I couldn't believe it actually worked on me, because I've done it to so many people - ha!
In acting the other group did their voice project, but their techs hadn't had time to plan or program anything, so it was very mixed up. It took about 20 minutes instead of the proper 5, and it was sort of painful. But they get to do it again, and the sub-teacher said he would only count it as a dress rehersal. Hooray! We do ours tomorrow.

There was a crucial part of lunch yesterday that I didn't mention. On the catwalk as everybody was showing off their costumes, one of the very mentally challenged girls wanted to go up, too. She didn't have a costume and has trouble walking - but they said she could. The guy that was sort of MCing the thing made everybody hold the rickety tables as she started walking down them, and everybody cheered. It was fantastic! Each time she stepped off of one table onto the other, a huge bunch of hands would come and hold it steady for her - ahh, beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. The story of everyone helping the girl without the costume just totally made me tear up. That is beautiful!
