Wednesday 2 November 2011

Day Thirty-Nine

Almost to fourzies. It feels like I've been going to school for a lot longer than just 39 days!

I got super stressed out last night - but I think that was because of my new pillow. It's one of those fancy-smancy posture ones and I'm not used to it yet, so all I could think about was the acting project that was happening today and how un-ready we were.
In art I just wasted time pretending to work on my project, but it's actually done (I technically didn't have to pretend, considering the teacher didn't have anything for those of us who were done to do). I also ranted to the people at my table about how much stuff I had going on.
In English we got our scripts for each of the acts we're doing - go act 2! We revised and scratched out stuff we didn't want, and assigned everybody characters. The acting isn't a huge part of our project, but it's still required. I'm Lady Macbeth and Malcolm (we had to be imaginative, because there's only five of us, and ten characters. It was hard finding two for each of us that weren't on at the same time), no big deal.
In math I had fun - I like math class. There isn't much to say, because... well, it's math.
During lunch I sort of floated around to groups of friends - which was fantastic, because that's what I did in our old town. I would hang out with some people for a few minutes, then go see my other friends, too, and that's what I did today and yesterday!
In spare Margo was in the library again, as she will be from now on, so I went and did my homework. I'm glad that I got it all done, because I was about to have a melt down. But I got it all done, and feel good.
In acting we did our big projects! One of us was missing yesterday during our major freak-out light planning session, so we didn't have her in our calculations. She was there today, and since I sort of became the director of the whole thing (I tried not being 'in charge,' but nothing got done, literally), I was stressing about fitting her in, or telling her she wasn't in it. Thankfully, two other people were cut out of their group, and they needed an extra person and our girl actually wanted to join their's. We did our performance and it worked great! There were a few things that could have been better, obviously, but our tech did an AMAZING job! It was very complicated and we knew exactly what we wanted, but she pulled it off. The other group still had some hiccups in their tech, but all in all in was pretty good.
We had one act rehearsal today as well, and things are coming along! I did it twice at home without my script with only a few promptings, so I'll be ready soon.

(OH! And we moved)

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