Thursday 10 November 2011

Day Forty-five

Four day weekend, om nomnomnom.

In art we actually started scratching our stuff onto our cups. I think mine is working. Well, maybe... We'll see! Time will tell. It's gonna be funny when I'm done - just that ugly/scary seascape cup in the cupboard that nobody uses, no big deal, haha!
We had our Remembrance Day assembly today. Do I have a family member serving over seas? No. A friend? No. A family member in the military at all? No. Have I cried at every single Remembrance Day service I've ever been to? Yes.
In English we had our big exam for Macbeth - no sweat there, I think I did pretty well.
In math we're about to start a new module, so we were revising some prior techniques and stuff (yea - I spelled techniques first try).
During lunch I had crackers and fake-meat sausage, cheese, and veggies! Oh it was so good. I was very full, but it was so grand.
In spare we decorated my locker even more. I have surf pictures up on the door - it makes me glad to open it! My locker buddy was all, 'Dude, decorate the whole door, not just your half. Put the shirtless boys on my half,' so that was funny.
In acting we had our tech rehearsal for our monologues! Mine was over in about four minutes. Then our teacher asked me to go into the back and help the other kids with theirs, so I got them working without a script. The teacher also got busy at one point, so I kept the rehearsals going, giving everybody their turn and so on.
Yea. I get stuff done.