Tuesday 29 November 2011

Day Fitty-Fie

Whoa. I have 'Sexyback' on my iTunes. It's been years since I heard that one...

In art today we painted the stuff we're working on with glaze! So I guess you'd say... we glazed the stuff with glaze. I didn't get mine all done (just like everybody else), so tomorrow we're working on them again.
In English we discussed the book section we just finished. Next section finishes it off! Tada! While we were discussing it we got way off topic and started having a debate about communism.
In math we check over our pretest. I only got two wrong, which is pretty fantabulous (... 'fantabulous' is a word now. .... Oh, English language: where did you go wrong?).
During lunch I put some tickets for the one acts on hold that I bought for friends. I've bought nine so far! Whoa.
In spare I just slummed up in a friend's class room: their teacher is really funny. He showed us a video on Youtube of a big dog playing with a little one, then swallowing it. I don't think it was real, but it could have been - it looked pretty good. Then when the bell rang one of my friends brought me food she made in class. I was pretty pumped about it. AND I shared.
In acting I had nothing to do, because I have everything done for acting. I said that, so the teacher said I could do other homework, but I have none, really. So I just read through my script for the one acts and moved some boxes around.
I also found out that tomorrow during the dress rehearsals for one acts, my group won't be able to see every play, because we have to get our pictures taken for group shots. Bummer! But oh well. We open in two days! Whoa-oh.