Friday 4 November 2011

Day Forty-One

I'm gonna go backwards today, just to mess people up.
In acting we got into our monologue characters, and had to stay in them the whole class as we were asked questions, and we were getting marked on it so it was really hard! I managed to sit still almost the whole time; however, I had the major jitters when we were done (my character is thirty-four. I figured she wouldn't fidget too much).
During spare I worked on homework and various other fun things like that. I also went to one of my friends classes where their teacher doesn't care about visitors, so I chilled there and ate their food. During lunch I sat and watched while some of my friends took pictures of the grads and their siblings.
In math there was no evacuation necessary! For once. We got a load of stuff done, including all today's stuff, as well as yesterday's!
In English my group and I did our project! Hooray! It was good, I think we got something like 88 of 100, so we were pretty thrilled with that. We had a sociogram of our act, a summary, an act, costumes, props, a game of flippin' Jeopardy, and prizes. We even gave the losers some chocolate. But we ate most of it after they had all gotten theirs. I ate a bunch of peanut M&M's, and I really really hurt my jaw. It was just really tired - so that sucked.
In art I sat around for about twenty minutes, then she gave us pieces of paper to draw on and measure out the length of our cup and so on, then draw what we want onto it. I had a good idea, then she came and teacher'd at me, so I had to think of something to 'tie it all together,' but I totally thought of something incredible, and I'm pumped.

Now I'm at home.
As I went for a snack, I thought to myself, 'Something healthy to eat!' But alas, the cinnamon buns were right next to the unripe bananas. What would YOU have done?

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