Sunday 11 September 2011

The Weekend!

It was a beautiful weekend, full of sun and lazyness and all that good stuff. On Saturday I didn't do much - I went for a walk, and... I''m sure I did more then that... Today was good! Ate pizza for lunch and mixed some pepsi with 7-up. It was delicious: They mixed just good. We went to my Aunt and Uncles new house for brunch / hot tub / pool / munchies on the deck with friends! It's a current pool, since my Uncle is a swimmer, so you can swim and swim all day and not get anywhere, but it's also good just to sit in (Which is good, because I don't think the swim top I wore could have stood up against the current).
My mum and I went to DQ afterwards, and I got a Mint Oreo mini blizzard. I highly recommend it. Now my homework is finished and my lunch is made, and I'm listening to Our Lady Peace - a good end to a good weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I blog on paper. Perhaps I should get with the times and begin an online one too??
