Monday 19 September 2011

Day ten

So the weather said it was going to be cold today, so I wore this rad hoodie that I have, and my outfit was lame and/or not interesting without it. BUT, it got really hot, so I had to take it off. At lunch I had my sammich, but I also had a huge carrot that I was just munching on. Yes that's right, I'm that kid. I'm the carrot kid.
In art we drew our thumbnails in big version, and mine looked really good! That's classic Meadow: draw something flipping epic and then draw it again but it sucks. But not this time! My final copy looks just as good or better than the thumbnail. I think we may be painting them tomorrow or something? That scares me though, because I don't want to wreck the good drawing with a bad paint job, which it will be because it'll be my first time.
In English we started reading 'Seven Brothers' in comic-book form. There's heaps of different versions of the story, and I'm familiar with a few. He's having us read that story because he wants us to understand the layout and form of graphic novels before we read the graphic novel version of Beowulf.
Math was just nothing today. All good.
In acting we had to pick three random emotions out of a hat with a partner (or two in my case), and fit them all together believably in a three to five minute scene. Ours is going to be interesting. But hey - I'm just thankful none of us in my group pulled up the 'aroused' emotion (it was the students who wrote down what emotions we got to pick from).


  1. Tell me more about that hat....

  2. Did anyone notice you eating the carrot? Did anyone SAY anything?
