Monday 12 September 2011

Day Five

Know what's a good feeling? No homework! My math teacher (Who is just great, by the way) said he owes me a candy for finishing my homework before class was over; at least, I think he said it was a candy. My English, again, isn't supposed to be done at home,  so I don't have any of that, either! Before the teacher handed out our first marked piece of work (Marked, but it didn't count for a grade) he talked about how even if somebody got a '3,' they shouldn't worry because that didn't mean they wouldn't be a '6' by the end of the semester. At this point I was half thinking, 'Oh NO a 3!' but I got a '5!' Tada.
In art we drew more plants - today I only drew the leaves. Leaves can be really creepy and cool if they're dead, did you know that? In Acting we did some more fun little games (Which I'm fully enjoying while I can, because it isn't going to be games forever). My classes went by nice and quick, but my spare seemed to take ages (Which I guess is better then the classes taking ages).
During lunch I went over to a friend's house who lives close (Who also goes to the school), and I obviously made myself a piece of peanut butter bread. But she had no jam (Or so I thought), so I opened this 'blackberry preserve,' but it was more like syrup for pancakes. Well, I put that on my bread and it tasted alright, but half way through it exploded down the front of my shirt and leg. Thankfully my shirt was black, but it still stained a bit. It looked like I had been stabbed, so I scrubbed it out as best I could (And it's darkish in the school, so I don't think anybody else noticed).

1 comment:

  1. There is always THAT KID who has crap down her shirt. Imagine all the annoying things about school are floating around, and you people are on rotation...turns at taking a hit lol!!
