Thursday 15 September 2011

Day Eight

We started painting in art: we just did colors today. It's surprising how much adding color to color can confuse some kids. We had our paints, our pallet, and our sketch book. First, we were to paint a swipe of the primary color with nothing added. Then with white, black, then the complimentary color. Half the kids at my table didn't finish before the hour and a quarter class was over (There's only six complimentary colors, people.).
 In English we delved deeper into the creepy poem. Our teacher (Who I just love. He's great.) let us talk amongst ourselves at our tables (The guys at my table claim that I mentioned a giant metal man having something to do with the poem.) for a while, then he called our attention to the front and blowed all of our minds. He said that the poem was written around the time that the author had gotten an abortion. So it went from her being the speaking voice, to the baby being the speaking voice, and the photograph that is described in the opening stanza was an ultrasound picture!! She mentioned a 'tree branch' in the top left of the picture, and we figured that was the umbilical cord: our theories just went through the roof after he mentioned that.
In math today the homework was sort of silly (I guess that's good though, because that means I got it.).
During spare I bought chocolate milk from the Macs. That store was insane! It was two chocolate milks for $0.99 cents each instead of $2.10 for one, so I got two (The other one is in the fridge), and they had those Maynards gummy-yummies on sale as well. So I bought candy too, that I haven't eaten... but it was cheap!
In acting my partner and I decided against the beach. We were at an army base. He was the leader guy, and I was the soldier getting trained, but I was tired and didn't like it. When we were in the mess hall eating, somebody came up and told us there was a bombing out in Iraq and we left (That was his idea. My idea was that we should have gotten the news that we were getting shipped out, and the emotional impact would have been more intense; however, his character was a gung-ho sergeant, so I guess that makes more sense). When we got there we jumped outta our plane and then as we were tromping through the jungle I said, 'SHH!' and he looked up and said, 'What?' and got shot in the head. Then the poor, untrained, scared solider (That'd be me.) is left all alone in the jungle. It wasn't what I would have had it been, but it was good enough: We're there to learn, right?
As I was heading out of the theatre one of my friends whose in the tech program (Same class, but the techs just work the lights for us actors) ran up behind me and told me that when my partner got sniped, he was going to have the lights flash all red and then flash back to normal, but one of the other students wouldn't let him because 'the teacher would get mad.' He said he had it all set up and was about to click the button, but the other kid slapped his hand away. He was miffed, and it's too bad, because that would have been pretty cool!


  1. How can you buy candy and NOT eat it right away??? I'm so confused!

  2. I loved my English teachers, too.
