Friday 2 December 2011


Tonight is the last night of one acts!!! I'm extremely bummed that it only goes for two nights - I don't know everybody as well as I'd like to, yet! Such a bummer.

In art we drew more thumbnails for our linoblock. I finally got mine done to something the teacher and I both like: the difficult part now is getting the drawing onto the block. The way she has us doing it isn't functional at all.
In English we were in the library today! As per usual, I went to the classroom first, forgetting that the teacher reminded us about it yesterday. We were just refreshing our memories on our authors for our lit-study! The time is approaching. We have to talk ('report') about the author for about ten minutes, without notes if possible.
In math we just did some homework! But it's okay because I really like what we're doing.
At lunchtime me and some of the other one act kids walked around trying to find somebody's house to have the cast party at, but there isn't anybody willing to do it (I don't blame them, personally); so as it stands now, there is no cast party. I'm also bummed out about that, because this is the first closing performance in a long time that hasn't had a cast party, and it's my first time! I feel very gipped.
In acting we performed our two-minute comedia sketches that we worked on yesterday and the day before. Ours was really funny, I think - and our latzii (a 'small bit of normal business exaggerated and made funny') was prime. My partner played the old man who thinks he's sick all the time (Pantalone), and I played the big strong, semi-dumb guy (Brigella).
Pantalone walks onto stage very slowly, then sticks his chair in the middle and sits (eventually). When he sits his legs don't bend properly and stay sticking straight up, so he has to bend them manually before he is sitting properly. Brigella walks on admiring his muscles in a mirror (comedia: the 'mirror' was a large broom). Pantalone gets annoyed at the lack of attention, so informs Brigella he's just had a stroke. Brigella is conflicted, because Il Dottori, Pantalone's doctor, isn't around. Brigella runs off stage. Pantalone checks his watch after a moment. He gets impatient, and starts walking slowly after Brigella to see what's taking so long. Brigella calls from off-stage that he's 'got it' and is coming back. Pantalone starts to hurry back to his chair (very slowly), and manages to sit before Brigella comes back on stage with a wheelchair. After a long unnecessary while, Brigella gets him in the chair. As he is wheeling Pantalone across the stage, the chair gets stuck, and Brigella has to fight to get it moving again, and off stage.
She had no criticism for me and my characterization and voice of Brigella, so there. We also watched a Mr. Bean sketch, because there were only four of us today, and Rowan Atkinson is a master of latzii.

I'm very excited for tonight.

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