Friday 9 December 2011

Day Sixty-Three

You know... Knowing exactly how many days of classes I've had so far doesn't make it go by any quicker! Haha. My knees hurt all day today, and I don't know why. Guh.

In art I cut my finger open.
In English our teacher let us work on whatever we needed to, so I tried to find music for the piece I want to do for the oral reading. Two of the guys at my table are doing the same section as me, which blows! But I'm going to do something to my reading which will make it that much better (including music).
I typed out an essay again during spare - the same one. I found way too many errors. It couldn't print in the library because the printer is broken, and the career center was closed so I couldn't print it off in there, and I need it by second block on Monday, and we don't have a printer at home. So that's annoying.
In acting we watched Mr. Bean!! His sandwich looked so good until he spun the lettuce in his sock...

Can't get enough of that chocolate Cherrios.

1 comment:

  1. printers at the public library usually. just sayin'! good to see your face! :)
