Thursday 15 December 2011

Day Sixty-Seven!

Math was frustrating today - but I'm not the only one who doesn't get it. I think there's one kid who gets it. ... I think I started to get it... Maybe.
I retyped my English essay! Finally. It took long enough! First, I wrote about three drafts. Then I couldn't print it. Then I got it printed! I handed it in, but it had no title. I took it back. I had to retype it all, because with a title the page setup changes, but there was no free computers in spare in the career center. Then, I couldn't print it in a different location. Saved it to my friend's school login and she said she could print it at home. Figured out she couldn't print it at home. Managed to print it in art class and bring it to English. He gives me a B, and says I can take it back and try to get an A. I type it. Save it. Lose it twice. Delete it once. Find it. Type it up. Can't print at home. Print at the library. I am so done with this essay. I better get an A, haha! We did our oral projects, mine went well! In art we got cookies. In acting I stepped in for the other group's project, because the one girl is disgustingly unreliable, and wasn't there. But I was really glad I could help the other group out!
Tomorrow is the last day of classes till January 3rd! Wahoo!!! Ugly sweater contest, pancake breakfast, hoedown at lunch, and no teacher actually tries to teach anything! I'm pumped!

Now, that really old Rudolph movie (you know. The clay one) is on TV, and I'm going to go watch it.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! you guys are out early. we go all week then don't go back until the 9th. You deserve an A+ for all the effort that went into that essay! good luck!
