Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Day 161 of Schooling

In socials we had a test. I sort of forgot it was a test, so I guess I did pretty well. There was an essay, but I got it down fine with heaps of time. We got a HUGE review package though, and I don't know any of it. Oh, that's a lie. I knew 2.5 of the answers.
 I wrote an essay during spare. I filmed a few people for the project for the councillor. She apparently wants my friend and I to go to another school as well and talk to a few teachers there. In math we just did more review. My goodness. But I worked it out! Even if I totally bomb the provincial (as in, get a 0, which I won't), I still pass. Whooo! I did it. In film we finished the movie! I was going to help the teacher and a few other kids with something and let my group do the final editing, but they run in and are all, 'Meadow! We need you to do it! It's all sound stuff!' So somehow, I added in every voice over, took out the audio and replaced it, synced it all up, and normalized the volume of the voice overs and songs, all in 40 minutes. YUP. I DID. I was literally out of breath when I was done. My fingers were flying! But I did it. In bio we did review questions - I got mine done. Yaay. Now I only have that big socials essay to work on.

I have a wedding shower to go to tonight.

how you doin'?

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