I guess I forgot to post yesterday! Huh! I honestly thought that I did... I also can't remember what I did yesterday... That's finals for you.
Today was year book distribution! I actually have quite a few pictures in there. In socials we... reviewed. Math we had a mock test (which I passed, thank you very much). Film we started reflection journals / gave feedback about final films / signed year books. Bio we reviewed. Today was probably the first day that I just didn't want to be in biology. Ahh well.
The year books were a gong show! Well, not for me, because I'm smart, but for everybody else, totally. The line opened at junior lunch and went until senior lunch was over. Magically, I have a friend on yearbook, and she told me if I lined up at the end of my spare, I'd be first when junior lunch started, and not even too late for math.
I was the second kid to get my yearbook as the line steadily grew behind me, and I was early for class. During senior lunch nobody was really trying to eat - just signing! So far, two entries in my book from friends have made me get a lil' teary. Or at least glossy eyed.
Meadow's life:
Monday: Review in socials, review in math, film showing in film, final exam in bio PT 1.
Tuesday: Review in socials, review in math, final exam in film, final exam in bio PT 2.
Wednesday: Math provincial
Thursday: Socials provincial.
25th: Councillor project editing
26th: Going to two other high schools to film for the councillor project. Editing.
27th: Sleepover
28th: Alberta.
YOU ARE NEARLY DONE YOUR FIRST REAL YEAR OF PUBLIC SCHOOL!!!! And you have embraced the experience, you have rocked it, you are a superstar!!! Way to go!