Monday, 27 February 2012

Day One-Hundred and Two

The names are getting larger ad harder to write. I had ate a foldy.

I can't remember what we did in socials today because it was so long ago, but I aced the pop quiz. We got our marks that we're getting so far in the class (and it's on a 25% base), and I had a pretty decent score, so woohoo! During spare there was supposed to be a fire drill but it was cancelled, and I was supposed to go help the theatre / art chick paint some stuff for the musical but I forgot. In math we did some learning with numbers and stuff - our test is on Friday. I had the most delicious leftover soup for lunch, oh my goodness. It was all... orzo and beets and kale.... So good. In film we filmed some more, but we actually only got one shot done, because we had none of the props we needed and stuff. It's going to be tough to get the props and stuff by tomorrow.. uh. Today I also had my biology buddy boys back, so I wasn't lonely! Hooray! We got into big discussions, and barely finished in time for the day to be over.


  1. I love that you learned with numbers and stuff in math!

  2. That soup sounds really good, yum.

  3. Beets, kale, carrots, dill, veggie broth, garlic, black beans....that sort of stuff. It was very good!
