Thursday, 26 April 2012


During spare I came home and watched the end of a movie, and then I watched squirrels out our window. They're SO cute. My math teacher laughed at one of my jokes today! That was pretty intense... anyway. In film there was only one other kid from my group, so we just wrote the Treatment - which is sort of the 'backstory' to our project. Yup. Karter's project is gonna be sweet - it's even creepy to listen to the planning of it. I think it'll be really good. In bio we started worms and stuff. So great. Karter fingerprinted my thumb, which is all well and good, but now I have ink all over my thumb that won't wash off.

I'm going to have cereal for supper tonight. Yea. I am. YEA!

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Day One Twenty-Nine

Listening to some Blink 182...!! So good.

In socials we learned more stuff about the fifties. It's kind of a mushy blur. During spare I went home and swept my room and did laundry. In math we learned some more stuff, too. I understood it! For once! At lunch I was going to help Karter study, cause I'm cool like that, but we couldn't get his pages. I'm the one who has his missing tasks list. He is going to pass biology 11. During film we broke into groups for silent films and tossed ideas back and fourth. My group liked one of my ideas best, so we're going with it. We're doing a kid who doesn't know any answers to a final test, and just starts freaking out. It'll be funny! In biology we had a sub. We also had a test, and finished the dissecting a camel video. Then... well, firstly, the sub was pretty old. His voice was really monotone, and deep. He called one kid a youngster. I felt sort of bad for him, cause it's not the easiest class to take over. He didn't strike me as 'fragile-old' though - more like 'hardened military-old.' Then he started telling about the camels in Kuwait. ... then he started telling us about the 5% of Kuwaitis that have ruined the name for all the rest of them, because they're 'rich and spoiled.' Something about oil... then he said they ride motorbikes too fast and don't wear helmets. Then... he started telling us about this teacher lady that couldn't leave Kuwait. And... hmm.. Yea. Then at about 3:28, people started getting ready to leave, and he didn't want them to leave, because school wasn't technically out yet, but he sort of didn't say it loud enough, so a few people left. Then I felt bad again as I sat there.
It was mostly funny. But also slightly sad.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

127, 128

I forgot to post yesterday. This is because I went to Karter's house. We watched our comedic and dramatic films yesterday - the teacher really liked them! So that's a good thing. Had a socials midterm. I got 79 out of 100 I think? Not too bad! I'm getting a B in socials, an A in both bio and film (in Bio I got a 96 on a test we did. YEA I did), and a C+ in math. Gahhh. But that's ok. I already have my math credits - I just need to keep pluggin' away and doing my best. In socials today we started learning about suburbia - I love pictures from the fifties. But I really can't wait for the 60s. The Endless Summer, Z Boys, the Beach Boys, and all that good stuff. In math today we started a new unit - whoopie doo. In film we were in the library studying / researching for our essay. I'm relatively sure I was the only one who actually did anything. Ha..ha... ahh. In bio we reviewed, then watched a movie where the cut up a camel. Tomorrow we get to finish it. A few people looked pretty grim, but I thought it was so cool! Camels have these floppy skin projections in their cheeks, so their cheeks chew as well! So cool!!

Saturday, 21 April 2012

The Weekend!

I went to the beach! When I got home I made myself a smoothie, and I was pretty pumped up for it... but it's not as good as I wanted it to be. And that is my story.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Day one hundred twenty-six.

I have a math test AND a socials midterm on Monday. I'm not stressed. Today in math I leaned over to the friend behind me and said, "Sometimes this class makes me feel dumb," And the teacher heard and was like, 'Why would you say that when you're getting a B?" And then I felt bad for some reason. I'm starting to like the teacher a bit more. She's still terrifying, but I feel like she's relaxed a little bit. Also, she still wears her hair down since my friend and I complimented it.
We had a practice midterm in socials today. I only got a 68, but that was with no time for studying. This weekend we don't have the musical on Sunday, and we're only supposed to be there in the evening on Saturday, so I'll be able to study then. In film I helped another group film there's, and Karter helped another group. Cause we were the only one's that were done. I'm pretty sure people think of me as a try hard, which isn't a bad thing, but... I just don't jack around and I do stuff on time - meh. Karter was practicing fake punching my face. We freaked one kid out.
In bio we learned about jellyfish. So cool - the reason things 'sting' is because they have a little ol' sensory cell on em', and when the sensor gets pushed a little harpoon shoots out and sticks in you! If the prey is too big and can pull away, the harpoon is ripped off, but the jelly can grow a new one.
Then she let us go ten minutes early. Hoorayer!

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Day 124

We got an early release today! I'm home already. Yaaay!
In socials we saw some sweet medals. The German medals are way cooler than the British ones, just saying. Every class was only an hour today. That was sweet. During lunch I helped Karter study for bio, cause I'm nice like that. In film we had to pick a group of two, then group up with another group of two. Karter and I are a group, and two other friends are with us. Each group of two has to do a dramatic scene and a comedic scene, and write a script and stuff, and the other group films them, and vice versa. Our's is gonna be pretty funny, I think. In bio we started on kingdom Animalia. I remember helping my friend Mikee do all of this homework last year, so I feel super behind. But it's all good.
Tonight is opening night of the musical! They had a performance yesterday, but that didn't count cause it was just for elementary students. Today is the big deal! I'm pumped.

This is my 'pumped and in a toque' face.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

122? No! 123!

Man. I am an unreliable kid, hey? Not posting here, not posting there... well anyway, yesterday I didn't get home until like ten thirty, and then all of my attention was on my homework.

Tomorrow in socials a guy is coming, and we all get to look at NAZI artifacts and stuff. Some medals, and maybe a helmet... stuff like that. I'm pretty excited! Even though WWII was a super terrible thing, I've always liked learning about and studying it. In spare I just did homework... it was rip roarin'. In math we had some handout things, and I got everything done! Yay! But.. I still have homework from other lessons that I haven't gotten totally finished yet. ... During lunch I studied again. I had a peanut butter and honey sammich on French bread, with a cucumber. It was mucho yummy! In film we were in the library researching for our big assignment. I chose CGI for mine, but now it's switched to the images / visual effects of old sci-fi movies versus now sci-fi movies. Because some of those really old sci-fimovies... hilarious. Anyway. In biology we had a quiz, and a sub! Everybody else talked the entire time, but I managed to get all my reading done. ... yaay. The sub was really funny, but I felt sort of bad for him - subs sometimes don't know if they can yell at the kids to tell them to be quiet, so they just try to laughingly tell them so. After school I watched the end of the rugby game. I don't know who we were playing or if we won, because I was only there for like five minutes, but it was good!
Now I'm going to help Karter review for the quiz he missed today. Cause I'm nice like that.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

121 but on Sunday

I went to a friend's house after school on Friday! I was only going to put a picture anyway, but there was no time. I'll do one now!


Thursday, 12 April 2012


Today I spelled 120 with characters. I know. Rebel. I just ate some cheese and crackers, but it was really salty. So now I'm drinking water.

In socials we watched some newsreels from WWII and learned some stuff. Looking at the RAF and Luftwaffe planes looking like birds all in formation was so cool! My grandad was in that war! He was a tail gunner! I know. So cool! I get goosebumps when I see footage of all those planes. If it didn't mean a war would be going on, I'd like to see them in real life.
In spare I painted more stuff in the theatre. Today I was repainting something I had painted yesterday, that had gotten painted wrong by people after me. ... so now it's white again.
In math we kept learning mathematics. I always wanna say it in French - mathematique.
In film we finished Moulin Rouge! Lots of the others didn't like it, but my love of it outnumbered everybody else's dislike. So there.
In biology we had a quiz/test thing. We were 'review cramming' before hand, because even once you looked over it, you forgot what it was. But I think I did well!

Now I have to go back to the school for more rehearsal. Dress rehearsal is Sunday.. I still can't believe that. Ahh well. We'll see! It's like an adventure.
..... misadventure.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Day 119

I'm hungry. But.. I decided to do this little dandy before I forgot. Because I would have forgotten.

In socials today we got some stuff back. I got a 75 on a test. Hmm... That's still a B, I guess. I thought I did better, but apparently not! Tada! In spare I helped paint some stuff in the theatre. I wore a skirt today, and when I wore the smock-thing it looked like I wasn't wearing any pants. In math we learned some new stuff - I'm not perilously confused yet! Perilously. That's a good word. Anyway... during lunch I was standing outside the photo room with some people and Garth and Wayne ran out and asked if we wanted to get our picture with them for the year book. Obviously I wanted to, so a friend and I went in and got pictures. Personally, I think it was fantastic. In film we kept watching Moulin Rouge - guh. Guh! I love that movie. We also saw how we're doing in the class, and I'm doing great! Yaaay great. In bio we were looking at stuff under our microscope, and we were supposed to find living moving things, but we couldn't really find anything under ours. I went to somebody else's and used their organisms for my sketches. So it was all good. I have homework now - for bio, though. Not math! So it's ok.

Aaannnnd now it's eat time.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

I did the math. It's day 118.

Yup - I figured everything right.
I think I sort of look like 'Tom Delonge on an unattractive day' in the picture of my shifty eyes... I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

In socials we started learning about Hitler and stuff. I already know all about World War II, but I guess this'll make it official! Tada. In spare I did homework and a fire drill. In math I found out I'm getting a B! A low B... but still a B! In film we finished Baz Luhrman's Romeo and Juliet, and moved onto Moulin Rouge. I love Moulin Rouge, but I wasn't a huge fan of Romeo and Juliet - possibly because of his style, or possibly because I'm sort of sick of that whole story. It was cool though, to notice that Moulin Rouge and Romeo and Juliet were very similar, film element-wise. I'm going to be doing a big report on sort of the history of CGI. We got to think of and pick our own! She warned me that it's a huge topic, but I don't mind - it interests me! Godzilla versus Avatar. Stuff like that! In bio we kept on learning about phylums and stuff. We're looking at pond water under the microscope tomorrow. Gonna see all those charming little... living things. Karter suggested using water from his pool, but unfortunately they put chemicals in it yesterday. ... it's pretty darn nasty, though. It would have worked well!

Tonight is a four hour musical rehearsal... I don't think I have to be there for the whole thing though. On Saturday we have a 9 - 5 rehearsal. Yes that's right. Eight hours! It's not even the dress rehearsal. Phew.


Monday, 9 April 2012

Spring Break Blues

I got a sunburn today. This is big news.

I got out of the habit of posting on this little dandy over Spring Break. Well, we had a four-day weekend this weekend... so THAT is my excuse for not posting recently.
However! The fact remains that I'm out of practice! Tomorrow I will turn over a new leaf! Or rather... turn over an old one.

How's THAT for shifty eyes?!