Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Day Eighty-Five

I hurt my thumb. I poked it too hard with the end of a sharp thing, and now it hurts whenever I touch anything with it.

I think I failed my first socials quiz! I got two of five right on the beginning, then I got all three bonus questions right. So that's ok - I don't even mind. Let's see... In math we had a sub, and we did a 'review' thing, and let me tell you - most of the review stuff from grade nine, we didn't even learn in the A&W math 11! But I think I did relatively okay. I had to do some guess work though, as well. During lunch I ate some stir fry. There's people selling flower grams for Valentine's Day during lunch now! It's going to be cute, seeing everybody running around to the period 2 classes and delivering flowers. In film and TV all we did was play ice breaker games, because we had a sub. We did charades, and my team really lost, because we got ones like 'Sin Nombre,' and freaking... other hard ones. But even with all the hard ones, a guy on my team still guessed, 'The Legend of the Drunken Master,' and some other hard one where the person kills somebody with one of those sharp sticks that they made... you know... those ones that you make in prison? You see why I can't remember what it was called. And then in bio we did some stuff - not as difficult as yesterday. Tomorrow we have a safety quiz.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Day Eighty-Four Second Semester Day One!

Wow. I'm pretty sure there's more kids this semester than last semester. I know that's silly... but those hallways were solid walls today.
I started with socials! Our teacher seems like she'll take no guff, which is always good to see in a teacher; it's a huge step up from my last first block teacher, man. She uses words that everybody learned in grade 7, 8, and 9, but "technically" I skipped all those grades, so the terms aren't as engrained in my head as some of the other kids. That's alright though. She also wants to start a breakfast / snack club every Friday. I think that's an unbelievably good idea. Partners would bring a breakfasty snack thing for the class once every month, and then we would eat it. Pretty straight forward.
After socials I had my spare - it's in second block now. I actually know a bunch of people in it, including Margo, so that's good. She probably won't come everyday though, because she doesn't start school until third block: why would she come early?
After that I had my math 10. I found it hard not to snicker to myself as I sat there with all those younger kids (I have nothing against younger kids; I'd hang out with them. I just think it's funny to learn with them). Our teacher is tiny and short, but she is hardcore. No lateness, no phones, no music, no disrespecting, and so on and so fourth. Very fun.
After that was lunch - same ol', same ol'.
Then right after lunch I fought through the crowds to get to the theatre, where I started film and TV studies! Woohoo! I'm extremely pumped about that one. There's a heap of kids in the class, and I'm pretty stoked to get to know everybody better.
After film and TV I had biology. It felt weird to go to class from the theatre instead of going home (like last semester). Again, lots of terms that I didn't know 100%, but neither did a bunch of other kids, so I feel fine again.

This is my learning face. 
It helps me learn. 

Tuesday, 24 January 2012


I'm officially finished my first semester EVER of public school! Hooray!! I did it. Tada!

I got an A overall in my math - I think that means I got all A's. That's funny!
In art I just hung around, again. I did that a lot in that class. SO glad it's over. Not going to miss it any.
In English everybody finished off their projects, and they were good, for the most part!
In math we had our final unit test! I went and asked him after school how I did, and he told me I got an A and gave me a fist bump. Favorite teacher, right there.
In acting we did our final project! It went pretty darn well, I'd say. EXCEPT for the fact that yesterday one of the girls took it upon herself to direct, and costar. She has a reputation for changing things day before project deadlines / performances. We humored her, and then today came along. She wasn't even there. She had an audition or something, and took the wrong bus coming back. We were all really mad, but we just went on without her. She got a zero for that performance, so that's enough just deserts.

School starts again on the 30th! I have Socials, biology, film and TV, and Math 10 foundations. I already have my math 10 credit - now I'm just bettering myself.

Monday, 23 January 2012


More orals in English... pretest in math... I bummed around during spare. In acting we kept working on our final project, and we made some pretty decent headway. Now it's nice out and I want to go on a motorbike ride.
Semester ends tomorrow!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Eighty One

It feels a bit like I'm in captivity, doesn't it?
"Day three hundred and four in the barren wasteland." Haha.

I finished my painting in art! Then a girl dumped her water beside me, but I shrieked and got it out of the way, and my leg out from under the water, all before it actually hit the table, somehow - which is pretty cool, considering the water was in a margarine bucket. Speedy.
I did my oral presentation in English! I think I went a bit over time, because one of my links didn't quite work, but all in all I think I did pretty alright. He's gonna give me feedback tomorrow. I did Edgar Allen Poe. I know so much about that guy. More than it would ever be necessary to know, my goodness.

That's about it. Got candy in math class.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Wow! Eighty days of classes!

In art yesterday, even though the teacher had been watching me paint for two days already, she came up to me and told me I was using the wrong paint - as she has now had to tell everybody, because she didn't explain to us that the paint we used for our previews wasn't the paint we would use for the real thing. For some reason. The layering isn't going very nice now for me, because of the wrong paint underneath (I had had my whole background done). Thanks for that, lady. ... I've managed to fix most of the error, but it still comes up and blends wrong in some places.
In English we have our World Lit Presentation tomorrow! I didn't know that. Woohoo! I need cue cards, then I think I'll be alright. we just revised a bunch today. I also have an essay to glance over. I have a lot of homework, I've suddenly realized.
In math we learned about credit cards and the interest and stuff like that... essentials. Like it says.

During my spare I hung with friends that I see but don't always hang out with - so it was good to see them! The guy, Tom, kept singing hilarious and catchy songs, and they're in my head now. But it's alright, because he can sing; he's in the band Tommy Alto.
In acting we saw some performances. We did ours yesterday and it went really well. We also started brainstorming ideas for our next big project. The big final project! We only have a total of three hours to get it all up (two and a half, now).


Monday, 16 January 2012

Day Seventy-Eight

Weekend was good. A friend from Alberta came over and is staying for a while. It snowed. We steamed in my auntie and uncle's steam room! Very warm.

I'm still painting away in art. I got my background finished! Lala! In math we got him to re-teach the last lesson quickly, because even I couldn't remember much of what the Dragon Lady taught us. During spare Margo and I made a snowman, and an attempted snow fort, and had a snowball fight! We had to do it off of school property (it's a meadow right beside the lower field), because there's a story that some kid got hit in the face with a snowball and lost an eye. We all think the teachers made that up, but you never actually know. In acting we just rehearsed a bit more. She showed us our marks.

Highest mark in the acting class. Right here.
Nerd, I know. But it's also semi-awesome.

Saturday, 14 January 2012


So a friend came over after school, and that's why I didn't post.
In art I started painting! It's going to be intense. In English we started watching the Importance of Being Ernest - funny. In math we had a sub, and she was from South Africa and very... strict. Our normal teacher always lets us chat while we do our quizzes, if we're done. So these two kids were talking quietly, and she's like, 'Okay - wait till you're done the quizzes. Then you can get back to your very interesting conversations.' And it was hard not to laugh, or at least not look terrified. Then the teacher's aid that's always there with our normal teacher put some music on, because he always does that, and after a minute or two the sub came over and flicked it off, then marched back to the desk. THEN, the teacher's aid saw me sitting there, finished my work for the day and looking glazed, as were a heap of other people. Our normal teacher lets us out usually around five minutes early or so, if we're all finished our work. She goes up to the sub and explains this, and the sub just sort of nods, and keeps us there until about a minute before the bell. AND, while she was writing the answers to the quiz on the board (we self-mark our quizzes), she said, 'I won't bother explaining it to you, because it won't make a difference by now anyway if you don't get it.' She told us about South Africa, so that was kind of cool, but... yeah. That was my first bad sub experience! Woohoo! I'm learning!
I can't remember what I did during spare... But in Acting, we had to watch dress rehearsals of the other people (because my group is already finished dress rehearsals). I was a stand in for one group, but other then that we just kind of sat around!

Now we're just heading out the door to pick up one of my friends that lives in Alberta! I haven't seen her in so long!

Thursday, 12 January 2012


I realized I didn't really talk about Kiva at all - this is me failing.
Kiva is this online site that allows people like US to provide loans to people in third world countries and stuff. It's a really cool system! The minimum loan amount is $25. You get to pick who you lend money to, and read all about their story (usually it's people who want to start a business so they can become self-sufficient). After a while they'll get the amount they need (it' usually no more than $600), and when they're able, they pay you back! So if you invest, let's say four different $25 loans, when they pay you back you can just keep circulating that $100 to other people! My family has been doing Kiva for about five years now!

Math made me want to cry today. Blah.
We did our dress rehearsals today in acting. Ours went fine!
AND I got my school hoodie today! They were giving them out yesterday, but I had to be in the Kiva meeting so I didn't get mine. Then a councillor asked me if I was Meadow when I walked by, then told me the guys had put all the unclaimed hoodies in the office, so I got it! Woohoo!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Day Seventy-Five!

We just worked with paint today in art. ... Yup!
Let's see... in English we read the rest of the Importance of Being Ernest. SO funny. Such a funny play.
In math we had a test, and I finished it in ten minutes.
During lunch I went back to my English portable, and founded the Kiva Club at our school! The founding fathers (yes, we called ourselves that today) are My English teacher, me, two kids from my English class, and two grade twelves who are always fundraising for good causes and stuff like that. It's going to be so good!
The Lead boys got the hoodies we all bought in, but I had to be in the portable so I couldn't get mine. I plan to get it tomorrow - gonna rock the electric orange colors.
In acting all we did was tell stories, because there was.... ready?... four of us.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012


In art we started an abstract project. She encouraged us to 'try' things and not be intimidated, but she's said stuff like that before - so we'll see if our experiments are good enough.
Workin' on the essay still! But now we're also reading The Importance of Being Ernest. It's pretty short - just three acts.
I think we have a math test tomorrow. The final 'exam' for the whole course, I believe.
Went to Starbucks!

Did some improv in acting. My character is nine, and I got partnered with the 'Bogey Man,' so... that was fun.

Bright flash!

Monday, 9 January 2012


Even doing this essay in my pyjamas doesn't make it better.

The Weekend

It was good! I... did some stuff. We went to a park and had an in-the-car picnic, because it was raining. There was some Criminal Minds afoot (my parents are almost as hooked as me, which is good). And... other fun stuff, too. Tada.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Day Seventy-Two

We had to go back to our dumb linoblocks today, because the project wasn't finished - because there are some people who still haven't even begun to cut yet. That's just embarrassing. Anyway. English was slow today... we were just working on our World Lit study. The final deadline is coming up, fast! Haha, today our teacher told us, while shaking his head, that we should come to class on the last Monday and Tuesday of school before semester break. I didn't get it. So he said it again, and shook his head even harder. I still didn't get it (I got the gist of it. But how often does a teacher 'tell' you not to come to class? Technically he can't, so he didn't, but his head was shaking). After the whole class gave me a funny look, I got it.
In math we worked on exploded diagrams. ... It didn't feel really very mathy. Sort of... artsy.
During spare I worked alone for some of it because my friend had studying to do, but then half way through she came up to my table and said that she had had too much coffee, and the library was freaking her out. So we actually did work during our spare - pre' darn rare (spare, rare. HA!).
I was drained of energy during acting class, but we still ran through our script a whole bunch of times. We had a sub who wasn't our normal sub today, and she was quiet but nice. Her last name was Bartlett and made me want a pear.

(pear, spare, rare)

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Day Senny-One

Today in art a kid cut her finger (the same way I did. Twice. But less bad) then started retching a bit and getting faint and had to sit down. I totally get it that some people are sickened by blood, but I just don't get it and think it's silly. Blood fascinates me.
Awww. In English we had to get peer feedback, and my essay was beautiful and drafted and lovely, and they chewed it up and spit it back out. It's good, because that's what I need!... But still. Blah!
During spare we walked to Macs and bought me chocolate milk. And a sour sucky soother. That was fun! I even smiled at somebody who I've always wanted to smile at, so that's pretty awesome.
In acting we worked more on our one acts. My character is a nine year old who pretends to have a heart attack. I'm pretty great.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Day Seventy!

I'm sleepy, because we watched a movie. Art and English seemed to take eight hundred years today, but that's alright. During spare Margo and I put up posters for another friend of ours - they're posters about a collection of money that the school will be gathering to buy nets for kids in areas that have malaria outbreaks and stuff.
This school has a lot of fundraisers.

Good night!

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Day Sixty-Nine

Back at it! I woke up a minute before my alarm went, which impressed me.

In English he poo-poo'd the opening paragraph of my essay, which makes a lot of sense. I was completely hating on the book, and saying what I thought about the institute. He said they'd probably just throw it away after they read that, which is too bad. I was hoping for the 'risky' vote. That's alright. I have to expand on some stuff, but other than that I think I have a pretty good paper.
The kid I sit next to in math got taller.
In spare it was kind of fun to see all the kids I'm used to seeing (not gonna lie. I'm semi-pumped to be back at school!). I worked on smiling all day, too, because apparently when I don't pay attention, I scowl. But I don't actually mean to! I just chew my cheek when I'm not thinking about anything.
In acting we ran through our lines. The lines that I found about three days ago that we were supposed to be looking over all holiday. I actually have them decently memorized. ... look at me go.

I had a peanut butter and jam and cheese sandwich for lunch! With eye candy for desert.

Monday, 2 January 2012

Day Before School Starts

WELL, wouldn't you know it, the library was closed so I was unable to print the essay that I need to have by tomorrow, second block. Hopefully my art teacher lets me print it off there again. ... We'll see.

Tonight we're going to a Canucks game! I'm so excited!!!