Saturday, 24 December 2011

Christmas Eve!

Even though I'm sicker today, I'm feeling much less sick! It's Christmas Eve, woohoo!

Friday, 23 December 2011


I still haven't started writing the essay that I'm supposed to have a draft of. That essay-... I hated that silly book. Writing the essay would be heaps easier if it was just for my teacher - but we're not writing them for our teacher. We're writing them for the Ayn Rand Institute. That being said, I can't completely diss the book in the essay, because they have a big ol' contest with thousands of dollars in prizes because of that book. Besides! Having an institute in the name of Ayn Rand is against everything Ayn Rand believed in! She was pro individualism all the way. She hated collectivism! So having a whole institute (a group of people who have relatively the same mindset) that picks a panel of people to judge somebody else's work is just silly-talk!


I think I may be allergic to something. I have itchy, puffy, watery eyes all the time. Well, right now I'm sick, so that makes it worse, but still. There's a flaw in the system!

Happy Christmas, sicky!

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Officially Day Two of Holidays

Even though I've been out of school for four days, technically two of those days were weekend.

My holidays are going good so far! I went to a friend's Christmas party on Saturday, and I babysat all day yesterday - money is good! One of the friends at the party has a dad who can print off pictures for free, so she's going to make copies of a bunch of them for us! I asked for two really fun ones of the group, and they may have a place on my wall (this is a big deal). Today I'm making cookies with my dad -shortbread cookies- but I have to go do some laundry before he gets back so we can start right away.

I figured one post was better than none post !

Friday, 16 December 2011

Day Sixty-Eight!

Schoooool's out. For. Christmas! Schooool's out. For. Ever!
that was... Alice Cooper.. Just - never mind.
So I got to school this morning at seven fifteen for pancakes with my ugly sweater, but then everybody was in pyjamas too! I had changed my outfit about four times at home trying to find one I liked for today, when I could have just stayed as I was! Doh! So then I ran home and got jammy's on, and was very glad I did. The contest was cute - There was a senior and a junior who both won (bragging rights), and the senior was wearing a Bruins sweater. Ha! At one point I was walking around the halls, and some of my friends were outside, and they saw me through a window in a class room so they banged on the window. We were all wearing our ugly sweaters, so the guy started pretending to flash me, or strip or something, then all of a sudden we heard clapping from the corner of the classroom, and the teacher was definitely in there. He came to me and was like, "... Tell your friend not to quit his day job." Hahah!!
In English we watched Shakespeare condensed! It was these three guys who did Hamlet in like forty minutes or something, and it was freaking hilarious! And I handed in my essay. Whoo!
In math I brought my delicious candy cane brownies, and The Nightmare Before Christmas! There was yummy food, and then we all pitched for Subway. The teacher got a big platter of subs, but then he had a separate little baggy that was my veggie sub - aw!
And, as if to make the day better, during lunch I hoedowned. I didn't know any of the dances except the Macarena and the YMCA, but I hoedowned. I did some square dancing type moves... A dance where you kick and say, 'HEY!' and... Some spinning ones. Then there was slow dancing, but I didn't want to leave like a lame or a shy, so I ran up to the first kid I knew (a grade 9!) and made him dance with me. It was pretty grand. I have no shame when it comes to dancing. I will dance until I can dance no more! Oh, and may I just say how wonderful my school is? At one point they made all of us (way over five hundred kids in that gym, I'm sure) make a massive circle around the middle for a special presentation - so we were all standing against the walls. Then the same girl with down syndrome who cat-walked on Halloween walked into the middle, and the guy with the microphone said she would be doing a dance to Billie Jean, and everybody just went nuts! While she danced we all clapped in time to the music. She was dancing away, and at one point two guys ran up and danced beside her, then left so she could keep doing it. She had moves! Then as the song was ending, the announcer said something and we all ran in to her at the very same time and we all danced and sang and cheered. It was so great.

I was going to go home at spare, but my friend wanted me to stay so I did. I saw some kid that I met at the pier in the Summer. I don't think he goes to our school, but he chills sometimes (but he's from Delta. It's kind of a long way away to chill). Then for the rest of spare (school only went till 1:30 today) we sat at the tables in the deck. Then when gym class got out everybody came and started singing Rudolph and stuff, then the bell rang. It was so fun. Everybody was so happy! Hooray!

This is my ugly sweater.

Perhaps another view?
Oh yes.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Day Sixty-Seven!

Math was frustrating today - but I'm not the only one who doesn't get it. I think there's one kid who gets it. ... I think I started to get it... Maybe.
I retyped my English essay! Finally. It took long enough! First, I wrote about three drafts. Then I couldn't print it. Then I got it printed! I handed it in, but it had no title. I took it back. I had to retype it all, because with a title the page setup changes, but there was no free computers in spare in the career center. Then, I couldn't print it in a different location. Saved it to my friend's school login and she said she could print it at home. Figured out she couldn't print it at home. Managed to print it in art class and bring it to English. He gives me a B, and says I can take it back and try to get an A. I type it. Save it. Lose it twice. Delete it once. Find it. Type it up. Can't print at home. Print at the library. I am so done with this essay. I better get an A, haha! We did our oral projects, mine went well! In art we got cookies. In acting I stepped in for the other group's project, because the one girl is disgustingly unreliable, and wasn't there. But I was really glad I could help the other group out!
Tomorrow is the last day of classes till January 3rd! Wahoo!!! Ugly sweater contest, pancake breakfast, hoedown at lunch, and no teacher actually tries to teach anything! I'm pumped!

Now, that really old Rudolph movie (you know. The clay one) is on TV, and I'm going to go watch it.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Day Sixty-Six

Ha! With these type of titles, my blog must read like I'm serving time or dying or something: 'Day 78 in this barren waste land,' etc etc.

I did all my prints of my linoblock today in art. Meh. I'm not really phased by the whole thing. Scraping it was really fun, but the prep (scraping) was better than the finished project. The finished project is just a lame stamp on paper that looks like it was painted on. Plus mine didn't work out 100%, because she didn't tell me that if I had a big open space scraped off, the paper / roller would fall onto it and get all inked anyway (typically, the part you scraped stays white. Unless, apparently, it's a big space).
In English we looked at everybody's finished architectural drawings. I really liked mine! I thought it was cute. Some of them were really good, and others weren't very good at all - but who am I to judge? I'm not an art teacher (AHA!).
On the way to math I saw a friend from acting and he was holding cookies that he had made in foods, so I told him I wanted one. He let me take one, and oh my. I barely made it up the stairs to math. It was so good! I couldn't focus on conversation for a good five minutes afterward. Oh goodness, it was so yummy. It was a little cookie sandwich with something in the middle. The sandwich parts were... hard but chewy chocolatey cookie goodness, and the inside was melted squish. It was so rich, and the inside tasted almost like rum, but I knew they wouldn't do that in a school. It was bitter, mixed perfectly with the sweet outer.... Oh man. I can't even... So good.

I went home at lunch and did some stuff that needed doing. I headed back before spare was over, and sat at a table with some friends. I borrowed a hair thing from one guy with long hair: he was all, 'This luscious hair always needs an elastic! Of course I have one.' It made me laugh. After spare was acting, as per usual, and we performed our comedia piece today because one of our actors isn't going to be there tomorrow. The teacher really liked it!

This is a spoon.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Day Sitty-Fie

I cut my finger open in art today. But this time it was a different finger. Blood everywhere! I went up to the sub and was like, 'Hi there. Do you have a band-aid?' and she fiddled around for a while. When I finally got it, I added in a very calm tone, 'And maybe some tissue paper?' Ha! That's gotta be something teachers love to hear, eh?
We had a test in math and I did fine! Good ol' math.
In English we got our essays back and I had gotten a B. Does it make me a nerd that I was bummed out by that? So I asked how I could have made it an A and he explained some stuff, then gave me my essay back so I can revise it. He said it wasn't so much my mechanical errors, but he didn't think my ideas were developed enough; and he said that my incredible ending sentence was cliche. What! I thought of it all by myself! Bah. So I changed it, and am trying to develop more of my ideas now.
I'm eating a banana and listening to Joy Electric.
I had a bagel for lunch today. I buttered it last night when it was still warm, then put it in the fridge over night - so today it was stale, cold and the butter had congealed a bit! Gah, so good.
In acting we worked on our comedia some more. I still think ours is going to be pretty funny.

Only three days left till Christmas break! First period and fifth are cancelled, and since I don't have fourth anyway, I'm leaving at lunch time - ha!

Monday, 12 December 2011

Day Sixty-Four

This is my fifth time playing through 'Dela.' Very good song. I broke a nail today.

In art she let me print off my essay, and it actually worked! I was so happy, because my friend couldn't print it off at her place. I managed not to cut myself open again, so that was a plus too. In English we talked over some ideas for the topics we're doing for our big $10,000 essay. I really don't know how good mine is going to be, because I don't agree with any of her philosophies, and the essay contest is put on by the institute named after her; but oh well! I'll do my best! This will just make winning more funny - when I win. Then we just worked on our drawings, and I finished mine in spare! It's done! In math, when we were done checking our pretest, my friend and I had nothing to do, so we listened to his iPod. I agree with all of his music (like Dela!).
My lunch today was incredible. I had a bit of rice and tofu, little dumplings, vegetables, and miso soup. So delicious!! At one point I was talking to somebody and my hand was out, then all of a sudden Karter put banana bread in my hand. So I had banana bread too (homemade. Oh yes it was)!
In acting we had a sub, and we all really like him - he's really funny. We worked on our one act. At one point I'm supposed to pretend to have a heart attack, and when I dropped I hit my head, but it was alright. Good fun!

I'm cuckoo for chocolate cheerios!

Sunday, 11 December 2011

The Weekend!

Well, today Mikee came over and we went to Value Village and bought tacky sweaters, because there is a need for them. There's a contest at my school, and there's a party that we're going to that requires them - it's like a dress code but cooler. We also went to an Asian grocery and I bought miso soup. I just had some. It was delicious.
Yesterday we had a family dinner, and I ate way too many peanuts. Then in the evening I did a fun thing with the youth group I volunteer with, where we went and handed out stuff to homeless people. It was good! Then I was home all alone because my parents slept over at my Gran's house, and I wasn't even scared.
Tomorrow my mum goes to have an MRI! I've had one. She can join my cool club now. The only part she won't like is when they put the cage over her face. When I had mine, I just pretended I was in X-Men and they were doing some crazy operation on me.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Day Sixty-Three

You know... Knowing exactly how many days of classes I've had so far doesn't make it go by any quicker! Haha. My knees hurt all day today, and I don't know why. Guh.

In art I cut my finger open.
In English our teacher let us work on whatever we needed to, so I tried to find music for the piece I want to do for the oral reading. Two of the guys at my table are doing the same section as me, which blows! But I'm going to do something to my reading which will make it that much better (including music).
I typed out an essay again during spare - the same one. I found way too many errors. It couldn't print in the library because the printer is broken, and the career center was closed so I couldn't print it off in there, and I need it by second block on Monday, and we don't have a printer at home. So that's annoying.
In acting we watched Mr. Bean!! His sandwich looked so good until he spun the lettuce in his sock...

Can't get enough of that chocolate Cherrios.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Day Sixty-Two

In art we kept chipping away at our linoblocks. It's really hard and tedious! Oh, and in English all we did was decorate the door for the Christmas contest and play hackie sack outside. It was pretty grand. The judging for the most epictastic door is tomorrow! I've decided we'll win - mainly because we have wreaths made out of mittens that we're going to donate to the Vancouver house for homeless teens when the contest is over. Oh yes we are. If that doesn't get votes, I'm certainly out of ideas (JUST kidding). In acting our Comedia piece is coming along well. I think it'll be really funny.
In spare we went to the bakery that my friend's mum owns and I had a sugar cookie. Then we sat at the table and read the newspaper for a while. The chair I'm sitting on as I type this has broken leg rests, so it isn't very comfortable. Then when we were done with the bakery we went next door to the restaurant that her mum owns as well and ogled the cook. When we got back to the school, I did some homework. Oh yes I did.

Chocolate Cherrios. They're grrreat!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Day Sixty-One

MY rule for eating leftovers is... anytime before it's rotten. This could be because I like cold, stale food. ... Not ALL food types - but quite a few (for instance: stale chips! So delicious)!

In acting today we started some of the written work for our one-acts! These are just in-class one acts, with partners and so on. I'm with two other girls - ours is gonna be good! We picked a script with two older sister ignoring a younger one because she told secrets. It sort of has a melo-drama thing going on.
I ate cold, left over WokBox for lunch. Guh, it was so yummy! Everybody was jealous, oh yes they were.
In English we started decorating our door for the Christmas-class room... contest thing that's happening! There's a pizza prize for the best looking class in the calculations, so I think we're taking it pretty seriously. I had this essay written up, but it was only the draft so I decided to type it out during my spare and save myself heaps of time. So I did that. But... the school's internet is down, so I couldn't e-mail it to myself. I couldn't save it onto the hard drive because I don't have my own log-in, and it wasn't printing. I just about had a heart-attack, but the teacher-lady in the career center had a solution. Then it printed all by itself, and I didn't even need her. Tada!

... Where's me Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Day Sixty

In art I added ink to my uh... lino block! It looks pretty cool! But it didn't work right, so I had to fix it and finish it tomorrow (not finish. Do ink again).
During my spare I worked on my architectural drawing. It's actually looking so good! I had something that was very wrong, but I added another line, and gained about three more rooms, and made it look good! Oh, tada!
After school I went shopping with some friends. We ate at WokBox and it was delicious! I'm going to eat my leftovers tomorrow, but it's going to be really difficult not to eat... you know.. now.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Day Fifty-Nine

I don't really want to get into a habit of always typing about the same thing, in the same order (art, English, math, lunch, spare, acting) every single day. It's boring! Sometimes I might just put a picture on. Because I'm a rebel like that.
Today in English we watched a scene from Lord of the Rings - oh my goodness, I really want to watch it again. It's been far too long! I have so much stuff to do in that class... I have to finish an architectural drawing for Wednesday, finish a contrast and comparison essay about the book and two movies, I need a draft by the sixteenth for the big final project essay, and I have to prepare an oral reading set to music of a piece that I find interesting from the book. I haven't been reading as much as I'm supposed to lately, but she has really lost me with this dumb book. I disagree completely with all of Rand's philosophies, I don't like any of the characters (except Howard, who I dislike the least), she rambles on and on about the same thing for pages on end, and it's really hard to understand what she's talking about most of the time. 
Nope. I don't like it.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

The Weekend!

I did a gift exchange today, and I got candy-cane brownie mix. Oh yes I did.
Yesterday we set up our Christmas tree!! The plan was just to set up garland, but it all got done. Hooray! My mum finally let my dad and I buy a Charlie Brown tree this year. When we got to the tree place, there was actually a 'Charlie Brown' tree section. We were thrilled. Just before we started setting it all up, I found some old Christmas carol mad-libs that we had done, and I made my parents listen to me singing such songs as, 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Rabbit,' 'Frosty the Manager-Man,' 'Jingle Beer Rock,' and, 'Let it Barf, Let it Scream, Let it Snow!' I enjoyed myself. We drank eggnog, too. When we were done with the tree we watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Hilarious. I love that movie.

Friday, 2 December 2011


Tonight is the last night of one acts!!! I'm extremely bummed that it only goes for two nights - I don't know everybody as well as I'd like to, yet! Such a bummer.

In art we drew more thumbnails for our linoblock. I finally got mine done to something the teacher and I both like: the difficult part now is getting the drawing onto the block. The way she has us doing it isn't functional at all.
In English we were in the library today! As per usual, I went to the classroom first, forgetting that the teacher reminded us about it yesterday. We were just refreshing our memories on our authors for our lit-study! The time is approaching. We have to talk ('report') about the author for about ten minutes, without notes if possible.
In math we just did some homework! But it's okay because I really like what we're doing.
At lunchtime me and some of the other one act kids walked around trying to find somebody's house to have the cast party at, but there isn't anybody willing to do it (I don't blame them, personally); so as it stands now, there is no cast party. I'm also bummed out about that, because this is the first closing performance in a long time that hasn't had a cast party, and it's my first time! I feel very gipped.
In acting we performed our two-minute comedia sketches that we worked on yesterday and the day before. Ours was really funny, I think - and our latzii (a 'small bit of normal business exaggerated and made funny') was prime. My partner played the old man who thinks he's sick all the time (Pantalone), and I played the big strong, semi-dumb guy (Brigella).
Pantalone walks onto stage very slowly, then sticks his chair in the middle and sits (eventually). When he sits his legs don't bend properly and stay sticking straight up, so he has to bend them manually before he is sitting properly. Brigella walks on admiring his muscles in a mirror (comedia: the 'mirror' was a large broom). Pantalone gets annoyed at the lack of attention, so informs Brigella he's just had a stroke. Brigella is conflicted, because Il Dottori, Pantalone's doctor, isn't around. Brigella runs off stage. Pantalone checks his watch after a moment. He gets impatient, and starts walking slowly after Brigella to see what's taking so long. Brigella calls from off-stage that he's 'got it' and is coming back. Pantalone starts to hurry back to his chair (very slowly), and manages to sit before Brigella comes back on stage with a wheelchair. After a long unnecessary while, Brigella gets him in the chair. As he is wheeling Pantalone across the stage, the chair gets stuck, and Brigella has to fight to get it moving again, and off stage.
She had no criticism for me and my characterization and voice of Brigella, so there. We also watched a Mr. Bean sketch, because there were only four of us today, and Rowan Atkinson is a master of latzii.

I'm very excited for tonight.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Day Fifty-Seven

It's opening night tonight! I have no time to post a legit blog today!

In art we did thumbnails.
In English we finished Strictly Ballroom and started an essay about it, the book, and The Dead Poet Society.
In math we started something I love.
In acting I just helped the teacher because all my homework was done and there was nothing else to do.

Opening night!